Chapter 1 - A Chance Meeting

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Adrian was furious. His eldest sister had threatened to skewer him full of arrows, and Adrian knew her skill with the longbow. His younger brother had promised to turn him into a tree using his magic, and he was one of the most capable mages around. His youngest sister had rapped him soundly with her staff before slamming the door in his face and his father had yelled at him again for taking out his anger in the training grounds, with the castle guards. His mother had only given him a look of such sadness before leaving him. What Adrian couldn't put his mind around, was why his family treated him so. What had he done to deserve their cold treatment?

He had gone down to the tavern to ease his anger with drink, and now he was barely coherent. Speech eluded him besides his drunken holler whenever he wanted more drink. Though the barkeeper knew his true identity, the other patrons of the bar did not. His tunic, once clean and nice, was not stained with the ale that spilled when Adrian grew so drunk he had trouble seeing where the mug of drink was. He had dark hair matted with sweat and other unpleasantries. A sword hung at his side and he had a slight unkempt stubble beginning to grow. His eyes, red-rimmed, saw four identical men approaching him.

"Oy, mate! I think you have had quite enough to drink for tonight." The men spoke in unison. That was the last he heard before he tumbled off his seat and slipped into unconsciousness.

The man stared at Adrian's crumpled form.

"Hey, Kylian. Help me get this guy outta here. I think Arian can help him." He said, and then added as an afterthought, "And I suspect he is more than a minor nobleman come to drink his troubles away through ale."

A young man came up to the man and stared at the softly snoring Adrian.

"Ugh, he reeks!" He wrinkled his nose in disgust before bending to grab his arms. The other man grabbed him by the legs after having left money for their ale and some of Adrian's, too.

Adrian woke the next day on a bed, with no memory of how he got there. Feeling his pounding head and parched throat, Adrian knew that he had been at drink again. He promptly groaned, rolled over and vomited on the side before clutching his head in agony.

"Whoa, man! Watch where you spew! I take it you feel terrible? Too much ale can do that to you."

Adrian hissed and covered his ears from the sudden explosion of sound that assaulted him. His gaze wandered around the room and he saw a man. The man grinned, "Yeah, remember me? Last night."

"I'm sorry, sir, but I have no memory of what happened yesterday. I was at drink again, wasn't I?" Adrian croaked.

"You downed so much that eventually you just collapsed in a puddle of your spilt ale. I was there when you collapsed and had a... travelling companion... help me carry you to our room."

"Travelling companion?"

The man rolled his eyes, "He hates me, I hate him. The only one who keeps our little band together is Arian. I'm Lasair, by the way. Who're you?"

"Adrian Bla-. Adrian." Adrian said, stopping himself in time.

"Adrian. If you tell us where you live, we can help you get there. Make no mistake, we're not cutthroats or cut purses, but mercenaries. However, we don't do dirty work, so you're safe, from us, at least."

"I'm Adrian Blackrose."

Lasair's eyes bulged, "The Crown Prince? My apologies, your highness."

Adrian sighed, "You've seen me at my worst. Don't bother with the titles. I was there because my family... were being cold towards me for no outward reason."

Shattered Kingdoms | Book 2 ✔ (REWRITING AS 'THE EXILED KING')Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant