Chapter 29 - King of Anhua

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Earlier in the evening, Kylian and Lasair prepared the food.

"Hey, Lasair, pass the potion that that necromancer gave us," Kylian said, stirring the pot of stew. They'd been lucky to come across a few rabbits, so it was rabbit stew for everyone.

Lasair handed the potion to Kylian who poured the whole bottle in before wondering absentmindedly, "Oops... how much was I supposed to pour in again?"

"Well... that necromancer probably didn't make it very strong... it shouldn't matter," Lasair said nervously, then looked at Kylian, "This never happened, right?"

They both nodded and Kylian threw the empty glass bottle to the ground and crushed it.

A while later, they handed out portions to everyone, who grabbed them hungrily. With a slight smirk, Kylian handed a portion to Adrian, who took it without a second glance.

"Ugh! What did you put in this?!" Leyon exclaimed in disgust.

The others, who had taken a few bites out of the food, grimaced and made a grab for the water.

"How did you manage to mess up rabbit stew, for goodness sake!" Eryna muttered, setting down her portion.

Adrian was oblivious to the others reactions and ate the food with relish.

"How can you eat that slop, Adrian? A high born prince should have refined tastes, but you act like you're happy with the food!" The others said.

Adrian looked up at them, "Uh... I think it's great... what's wrong with it?"

Leyon shoved his bowl into Adrian's hands and said, "Try mine! Maybe you got a better portion!"

"Tastes the same to me..." Adrian muttered, "What's your problem?"

Everyone rolled their eyes at that.

"Adrian. You probably have the worst taste in food than a starving Vealmonkey!"

"Uh... everyone...?" Cress hadn't bothered with the food and instead scanned their surroundings to find something he had not expected.

Adrian spoke right over Cress in his heated argument with Leyon, "I do NOT! You just don't appreciate their food! Okay... I might not be too fond of them, but they sure can cook."

Lasair looked at Kylian and whispered, "It didn't work on him?! He was the one we were after!"

Jason gave a nasty smile, "So... you tampered with the food, did you?"

Kylian and Lasair backed away, thinking, "He's REALLY a lot like Adrian! And he's scary!"

"What did you put in the food?" Jason continued, advancing on them.

"Guys..." Cress said faintly, unsure if he should interrupt.

"Um... just some potion to make the food disgusting for Adrian..." Kylian muttered and Lasair nodded.

"Where'd you get it?" Jason questioned them further, with an intimidating glare on his face.

"Uh... the necromancer, who everyone says hates you..." Lasair said hastily.

Jason stopped, then a grin slowly spread over his face, "Oh, Ryhon. He hates being deceived, you know... In fact, he'll probably be coming after you soon."

Just then, as if to confirm Jason's words, a loud roar came from the woods where Ryhon was. Kylian and Lasair shivered, then scrambled around frantically for a place to hide.

"Hide! Somewhere! Quick! Need to hide, hide... HIDE!"

The others watched with amusement as the two tricksters ran around like children.

Shattered Kingdoms | Book 2 ✔ (REWRITING AS 'THE EXILED KING')Where stories live. Discover now