Chapter 6 - Dargon

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"Every archangel prince has seven attendents. They are your sworn brothers and they enhance your every power. I loved every one of my Seven dearly. Saera was brave and hotheaded. Daeylora was every bit as pretty as Saera, though she practiced the arts of warfare. Yurin was my advisor, Eclipis my right hand man for many years, Fendik was unmatched in battle and often sparred with me. I, of course, was stronger than all of them, but Fendik nearly matched me in skill. Joric was kind, and had a gentle heart. He was the most handsome among us, too. Zarvik studied the arts of magic, and taught the rest of us too. We were like a happy family, but I was captured, and all other archangels slaughtered. I felt their pain and... oh, gods, they all perished in agony!" Aidan cried. His was a heart wrenching tale, and it hurt him even now, to speak of his dead Seven. They had grown closer than brothers.

"I see even now, this inner pain consumes you..." Ryhon murmured.

Aidan sighed, and closed his eyes, trying to get the pain to go away. It would stay with him always - a reminder of what he had lost. The race of archangels, the proud people with wings and incredible power, was at an end. Aidan knew he would have no offspring - for what parent wishes for their child to be half crippled? The child could have wings, but be unable to fly, or have magic - but would consume too much of itself to cast it. No child had deserved that fate, so Aidan would have no children. Doomed to a life of isolation, Aidan joined the Guardians. If he perished doing a deed for the world, then so be it. It was far better than dying of age - thousands of years from now.

"Aidan..." Lirya said, "Aidan. Do you know for sure that there are no females of your race left?"

"I am the last. A prince feels his subjects. This prince feels an empty chasm where his subjects should have been. They are all gone." He said quietly.

"Are you really sure? Could they not be in Anhua? They say there is great magic there. She could be hiding, waiting, knowing that she must survive?"

Aidan tried to smile at her. Tried to think there was hope, positivity.

"I... don't know for certain," Aidan lied, "We could go. I know of a wise magus would can aid our cause. I am not as strong in magic as I used to be, so we could use his help."

"Not as strong-" Jason sputtered, "You destroyed two demon armies!" He exclaimed.

"Did you not see the toll it took on me? I was pale - I nearly died from that display of power. It took me days to recover - days we didn't have." Aidan sighed, "I'm sorry."

"Why? We trust you. You didn't have to seem more powerful than you really are." Lirya whispered.

"A prince must project power." Aidan said simply.

"So now we go to Anhua, to find the sage? Do you even know if he lives?" Lirya asked.

Aidan nodded, "He lives. Can we ride dragonback to Anhua?"

"We would be honored to carry your friends, prince of the skies." Iktarious huffed. Three dragons soared down, landing in the clearing.

"Iktarious! And Thronox! Thank you for coming. Can you carry Taryn, me, Lirya, Jason, Jaons and Eryna? Aidan can fly, and I will ensure the comfort of our riders." Ryhon said.

"Certainly. Thronox, you take the necromancer, our master, and the ice prince. I will carry the noble girl, the other human noble and the elf girl." Iktarious rumbled.

"Good. We fly at dawn tomorrow." Jaons said.

Jason stepped forward, "Who is your master?"

"You, master!" Both dragons said in unison.

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