Chapter 9 - The Portal

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Adrian took a step forward, glaring at Lord Thronesgar who had drawn a breath to scream again.

King Kashius glared at Lord Thronesgar and thundered, "Do you not know me, Rowan Ebilius Leun Vernus Thronesgar?"

Lord Thronesgar's eyes widened and he gasped, "King Kashius! Your Majesty!"

He dropped to his knees and kissed the hem of the King's cloak.

"What is the meaning of this?" The King growled.

"I- Sorry. A moment of madness, your Majesty, nothing more," Lord Thronesgar apologized.

"We have a need to talk to you. Do you have a private place?" The king said, frowning at the servants and guards. Lord Thronesgar sprang to his feet and lead them down a passageway to his private chambers.

"I don't trust him," Leyon glared at the retreating back of the Lord.

"Good, because neither do I," Adrian said and the two brothers shared a glance.

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The room that Lord Rowan Thronesgar took them to was a comfortable room decorated with dark wood panels with large windows that let in shafts of sunlight. There was a chandelier in the center of the room, and under it there was a round table with a couple of chairs around it.

"Have a seat, your majesty." Lord Rowan offered, inclining his head slightly at the chairs.

The King took a seat, but beckoned for his children to be seated also. Kylian and Lasair stood rigidly, eyes darting, searching for threats.

"So, your majesty, how may I be of service?" Lord Rowan inquired.

"What do you know of the Guardians?"

Lord Rowan leaned forward in surprise, "Most things." He admitted.

"What?! How do you know this, Lord Rowan?!" Adrian growled. Lord Rowan's smile faltered slightly. He gave a nervous chuckle, "I'm afraid I cannot tell you, your highness."

"By the Abyss, you can! And you will!" Adrian shouted, rising from his chair. He took a threatening step towards Lord Rowan.

"No. Let me do it." Leyon stood up and motioned for his older brother to sit down again. Adrian did, although his scowl indicated his displeasure.

"N-No! I was sworn to secrecy! I cannot tell you, your majesty!" He glanced pleadingly to the King, "Please call off your sons?" He begged.

The King sighed the he said tiredly, "Leyon. Adrian. Hands off the Lord."

"Hey! Father, I backed off. It's Leyon whose to fault here!" Adrian snarled. Without a word, Leyon sat back down in his chair.

"That's better. Adrian, you'd do well to imitate your younger brother. Do not question me!" The King thundered, "I will not tolerate being disrespected by anyone! Do you hear me?"

"Yes, father." Adrian grumbled.

"Good. Now, Lord Thronesgar. You were sworn to not tell anyone about what enables you to know so much about the Guardians, right?" The King continued.

Lord Rowan hesitated then answered, "Yes, your majesty."

The King smiled, "Then just show us how you know!"

"What? I-uh... I- yes, your majesty. Right this way, your majesty!" Lord Rowan stuttered. He scurried from the room and lead the royals down the many twisting hallways of Thronesgar Castle. Lord Rowan entered his bedchamber with the royals in tow and scowled at his wife, who held a child in her arms.

"Aylusa! Get out of here at once!" He yelled, striding up to her and slapping her. Her head snapped back and tears welled in her eyes. She quickly curtsied and left with the child held tightly in her arms.

"Apologies, your majesty. The woman doesn't know her place, I'm afraid." Lord Rowan said, then swept back a tapestry of a young woman with auburn hair. She looked to be about sixteen, and had smoldering hazel and green eyes.

"Who made this tapestry, Lord Thronesgar?" Zaiela asked, "And who is the girl?"

"My wife made the tapestry, and the girl is... well, you'll see." Lord Rowan answered, then lead them deeper still, into the dungeons of Thronesgar Castle.

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Brilliant blue light shone from the room at the bottom of the stairwell. Adrian shielded his eyes and tried to see through the glare.

"What is this?!" The King asked.

"I- cannot tell you... but I can show you." The Lord stuttered. He braved the light and vanished into the brightness. The royals quickly followed, shielding their eyes against the glare.

Adrian dared a glance and he gasped. The room was beautiful, with a circular pool in the center. The light came from within the waters, and reflected off the walls. The walls and floor were tiled with slightly blued stone tiles with the water ripples reflecting on the walls. In the center of the pool was a stone structure with five slots, each the size of a crystal.

Adrian turned to Lord Rowan, who seemed to be struggling with something. He shook and sweat beaded on his forehead.

"I- This... is... a-a... por-portal." He gasped, and clutching his stomach hunched over, his face screwed up in pain. He drew in a breath and spoke again, waving off Elvina, who had taken a step towards him, worry etched in her face. "I cannot tell anyone without the consequences." He explained. He waved a hand at the portal and the light expanded, creating an image in the air, of a barren land. Anhua.

Adrian's eyes widened, "That's... Anhua. And who are they?" He pointed to the image, and to the figures that were now visible in it.

"The Guardians. As you wished, your majesty." Lord Rowan said to the King.

They all peered closer at the picture, at the figures on dragonback.

"I thought dragons were extinct!" Elvina exclaimed.

"These are the last." Lord Rowan said, having recovered from his bout of pain.

"Father - It's the girl from the tapestry!" Zaiela murmured.

Lord Rowan sighed heavily, "Yes. She is my only daughter, and I wronged her. I will never deserve to call her my daughter again, though it is something I never knew I desired until she left me."

In the image, the girl smiled, her hazel eyes bright. She turned around and spoke to a boy with long golden hair and a breastplate of gold the same shade as his hair. He wore a tunic that went under the breastplate and reached to his knees. He wore the same golden coloured boots.

"What happened?" Zaiela asked.

"I tried to marry her off. I threatened to lock the boy - He gestured to the golden haired boy - up if she didn't cooperate. She ran off. I only did it because she has special blood and I wanted her to be safe." Lord Rowan explained.

Adrian frowned, the mention of 'special blood' lingering at the edge of his memory, "Special blood?" He wondered aloud.

"Yes. She has special gifts, that pass through the maternal line, which was why I was so strict with her. I had hoped that it would skip a generation..." Lord Rowan sighed.

"Where have I heard that before...?" Adrian muttered.

Then his eyes widened as the truth set in.

"The sixth King, Garyth was known to have 'special blood'." 

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September 29th - First Published

Edited - September 30th

Shattered Kingdoms | Book 2 ✔ (REWRITING AS 'THE EXILED KING')Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora