Chapter 5 - Unforeseen

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King Kashius did not lower his sword until Kylian confirmed that the intruder truly was Arian. Arian had muddy yellow hair and average facial features. He wore a breastplate and gauntlets, but little else in the form of armor.

"Kylian! Who is this?" Arian exclaimed.

"Eh, Lord Kynius." Kylian lied.

Arian glared at him suspiciously, "I've never heard of the house. Tell me who he really is. I know you need my help, and the only way you're getting it is by telling me the truth."

King Kashius stepped in, "My name is Kashius Blackrose, king of Sanobar. You can understand our caution with revealing our names when we were forced to flee Blackrose castle for our lives."

"Your majesty! I had no idea!" Arian said, kneeling for the king.

The door to the room opened, and the occupants turned to the doorway, where Lasair stood, with his sword at the ready. Arian stood, and turned to Lasair. When Lasair saw Arian, he relaxed and entered the room.

"Hey, man! When'd you get back?" He said, clapping Arian on the back.

"Just now. The king tried to kill me with his massive sword!" Arian grumbled.

The king looked sheepishly at Arian and said, "Let's talk in my sons' room. It's the one next door."

They left, leaving Lasair in the same room as Kylian.

Lasair spoke, "Wait here a moment, I need to get my scabbard. DON'T go anywhere."

Then he left, leaving Kylian to rub the sleep out of his eyes.

A little while later, Kylian looked up. He saw Lasair approaching him with a large birthday cake in each hand. His face brightened; perhaps they could forget their rivalry for a day of fun and cake as it was his birthday. He turned to Lasair and smiled.

"Hey Las-"

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SCUM!" Lasair crushed the first cake into Kylians face. Icing and candles flew everywhere. Lasair's white blonde hair shone eerily in the candlelight from the second cake that he held in his left hand. Kylian's face was smeared in chocolate cream and vanilla icing as well as some banana slices. Lasair began to laugh maniacally.

That was the moment the rest of the group chose to enter.

"What in the Abyss happened here?!"

Lasair turned and shrugged innocently, "It was Kylian's birthday, and I wanted to surprise him."

Arian raised his eyebrow, "Well, you certainly managed." He said, looking at Kylian, who was licking the icing around his mouth off.

"Mmm... You'd think the taste would be ruined, since Lasair made it, but it tastes great!" Kylian grinned.

Lasair rolled his eyes, "I didn't make it, you idiot! I asked the kitchen girl to make it!"

"So that's why it tastes good." Kylian said, "Because we all know you can't make food."

Lasair glared at Kylian, "I'll forgive you all errors today, for it is your birthday. Tomorrow, it's on!"

The rest of the group merely rolled their eyes, used to their behavior by now.

<--<< >>-->

The group sat around a table in the shadowed corner of the inn. King Kashius lead forward and said to Arian, "We intend to go to lord Thronesgar and see if he knows the whereabouts of the Guardians. I, for one, dearly wish to meet the guardian of Anhua. It is said that whoever it is is the strongest of the guardians, besides the KeyGuard, of course. Will you aid us, Arian?"

Arian nodded, "Of course, your majesty. However, we need cover names for you all. Do you have any suggestions? They have to be similar enough to your real names that you won't slip up."

Leyon looked up and spoke, "How about we use the names I told the innkeeper?"

"What names?" Arian asked, intrigued.

"I'm Len, Adrian is Andry, Zaiela is Aelis and Elvina is Eli. That's our nickname for her, anyways. My father is Lord Kynius. We did not make up any names for Kylian and Lasair, though." Leyon answered.

"Lasair can be Lane and Kylian can be Kyan. Arian, you can be Arin. But only if you need an undercover name. Else just go by Arian." Adrian said.

"Lane! That's a terrible undercover name!" Lasair, predictably, complained.

Leyon shook his head, "No, it's not. It's close enough to your real name that you'll remember. Now shut up so we can discuss more important matters." He snapped. The youngest Blackrose son had a tongue like a whip. He was good at reprimanding people, and was in charge of training the castle guards. Lasair meekly looked down at his boots.

"I can get you into Thronesgar castle, but you will have to dress up, and then quickly switch clothing to something more befitting the royals of Sanobar. It will be dangerous - Are you willing to try?"

The Blackrose family nodded grimly. Elvina fingered her carved figure of mother, a gift from her youngest brother, whom she adored. The two were close, as the two youngest siblings often were, and so too had Adrian and Zaiela grown close. They each had one whom they could trust and confide in. Leyon was caring, Adrian was the backbone of the family, lifting them in his own way. Zaiela was the sensible one and Elvina the child whom all dotted on.

Arian and Lasair would serve as knights - Arian had two suits of armour with the royal insignia of the Blackrose family. A rose outline done in black with a white background. Kylian would be a dark mage, much like Leyon. He wore black robes and supposedly worshiped Aeliyas, the goddess of evil and darkness. In truth, he did worship Aeliyas, as he was a follower of the dark queen. He wore black robes but had light armor underneath. True worshipers wore nothing underneath, but entrusted their lives to Aeliyas. Many a time, she had demanded a sacrifice for her power, and many of her worshipers were powerful in magic but weak in body and often had short lives. Those who worshiped Pelos had much power, but they remained whole - and pure. Their sacred oath forbade killing. They also had the gift of healing - and dedicated their lives to helping others. Those who were neither entirely pure nor ambitious often chose the third path - that of worshiping Gilan. Their magical power was the weakest of the three, for Gilan cared not for his followers. He had an unslakeable thirst for knowledge and dedicated his immortal life to studies. However, Gilan's followers were the ones in between. The grey zone - the ones neither good nor evil. They wore grey robes.

Kylian grumbled about the robes. Though he worshiped Aeliyas, he was one of her favored - the ones who blended magic and swords with her blessing. Traditionally, weapons were forbidden for all three types of mages, but Aeliyas favored her worshipers. He usually wore a tunic that was sleeveless and reached slightly below his knees. The robes were black and silky, with intricate trimmings along the hem. He was to have the hood pulled low over his eyes, and be ready to cast any spells needed.

<--<< >>-->

Arian and Lasair fetched everyone's horses and they rode the short stretch to Thronesgar castle. Lord Thronesgar's guards greeted them and escorted them into the castle. One of the guards sent word back to lord Thronesgar that a Lord Kynius was here to see him.

A short while later, Lord Thronesgar appeared. He began speaking as his gaze raked over them, "Good day, my lord Ky-" He halted and his eyes widened.

"Guards!" He yelled, "Arrest them! Arrest them all!"

<--<< >>-->

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Aug. 11th 2019

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