Chapter 2 - Into the Wild

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"Jason. Come on. Talk to me!" Lirya Thronesgar pleaded. Her friend Jason Bladesworn now spent many days brooding about his history alone. A son of Reyneld. Golden guardian. And what of his previous family, the ones who took him in as a newborn and cared for him, though he was not born a Kainley. What was he supposed to feel about the family that he known, murdered for raising a son they thought was truly theirs. His brother and sister, Edward and Lily. His father, not his sire but the one who had loved him through bad times and good.

He looked up at her with haunted eyes, "Kainley... Bladesworn... who am I?" He whispered.

She sighed in frustration, "Jason. You are whoever you want to be."

"Please, leave me alone, Lirya. I know that you're trying to help me, but I don't need your help." He said hollowly.

She gave up and left him to join the others in the main camp. Jaons was sprawled on a blanket near the fire, reading a book. He looked up and grinned at her as she passed him. It had been... awkward to get past the phase that he had nearly married her. Now they chatted easily with one another. A lot could change in mere months. They had small one-man tents set up close to the fire, and blankets put on the ground at the entrance of each tent so the occupant could crawl out without getting dirty pants. It did nothing if it had rained during the night, however. Aidan sat near the fire, busily cooking up their dinner. Taryn practiced his spells and swordplay with Ryhon and Eryna, who had insisted on coming with them. Eryna was a fierce warrior, unmatched by most in strength and cunning. She moved with the grace of a wildcat and the ferocity of a dragon.

She now strode out of the woods with Ryhon and Taryn and sat down by the fire.

"What's on the menu, Aidan?" Eryna asked, stretching on the blankets.

Aidan smirked, "Ignu bird."

Eryna's eyes widened, "Really?"

"Nah. Roast bear. Just like yesterday, and the day before." Aidan rolled his eyes.

"Ugh! Is bear even edible?" Eryna whined, "Surely no one can eat that. Right, Lirya?"

She turned to Lirya, who was munching the roast bear with relish.

"Huh? No... roast bear is delicious!" Lirya said, biting into her piece again. Eryna settled for some bread she had in her pack.

Jason had joined them briefly to grab some bear before returning to the woods. The friends were beginning to get concerned with his behavior. He was spiraling into depression, and confided in no one about his inner turmoil.

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After their meal, Jaons went to Jason. Jason looked up at him, with a waxen face.

"What?" He said, his voice cracking, "Why can't you guys leave me alone?"

Jaons sighed, "We reach out to you because we care about you. I know how you feel - In a way. Have I told you of my childhood?"

When Jason said nothing, Jaons continued, "I liked to read and disliked swords and sharp edges. My father, Darron Ravenstorm, hated that. He wanted a perfect heir. So he beat me, and forced me to become a master swordsman. He took away my reading material and instead gave me armor. He broke me, inside. Eventually, I seized the chance to be more when Ryhon and his companions came to Ravenstorm castle, seeking me. Even now, I still feel the scars, the blows that he gave me for disobeying him. But I fought it. And you can do that too! Jason... join us again. Please. We'll all help you. I can't stand to see another fall victim to his inner turmoil."

Soft footsteps could be heard, and a new voice spoke, "Jason. I had a privileged life, for sure. But do you remember? My father refused to see me, because my mother had borne him his heir. My brother, Richard. I suffered, without knowing his motives. Still, I pulled through. You can do it, too. Jason... I don't care who's name you take, it's you that I care about. Not what name you chose to take, not which legacy you chose to follow. Come back to us, Jason." Lirya finished with a sigh.

"I suffered for who I was." Taryn said, walking towards Jason, "As a half elf, I was neither human nor elf. Both races shunned me. My father left me the job of running Doxford's soldier when I was merely fifteen. When I started getting the guardian powers, I was so afraid. That day when I saved Saera? I finally accepted who I was. Now... I was told that Saera was one of the victims of the war. I longed to succumb to my anguish, but I did not. I knew that Saera would not have wanted that. Your father who raised you would not want to see you give up. Neither would your brother and sister. Reyneld would not have wanted his son to fail, and neither would your brother by blood. Don't give up. Your time is not yet." Taryn said gently.

Eryna padded up to him quietly, "Jason. I don't know you very well, but you seem to be an honorable young man. I, too, have suffered losses from this war. We must stay strong together, or we will succumb to our sorrow. Let us help you."

Wing beats were heard and Aidan dropped in on the group. He turned to Jason, "As royalty, I was expected to have no emotion when my subjects died, fighting for me. I did have emotions, and my parents tried their best to train it out of me. When my Seven died, I was devastated. Not only did it curb my power significantly, but it also hurt me. I knew every one personally. However, I resisted the pain and here I stand. We're here for you, Jason, my friend."

Ryhon ghosted up to the group. He was silent a moment before speaking, "You know... how many lives I've lived. First as Samuh, then Selsian. Now as Ryhon. My soul was replaced as Samuh, I was nearly executed as Selsian and I am dead now as Ryhon. I have had many close brushes with death, and my sister was torn from me when I met her. I have pain deep inside, but I sacrifice my happiness for Dargon. Don't leave us. Don't give up. Jason... we'll all help you, but you have to join us again."

Jason sat motionless. At long last, he spoke.

"I'll try."

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Jason suffers depression... poor guy. 

Song is from Robin of Sherwood - Best TV Show EVER!


*You'll learn more about Aidan's Seven later in the story. For now... sit back and enjoy the ride*

31/07/19 - First Published

Shattered Kingdoms | Book 2 ✔ (REWRITING AS 'THE EXILED KING')Where stories live. Discover now