Chapter 33 - One Wish

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The area was silent for a while as the darkness scattered. Far back, Eryna and Jaons stared in shock as the scene unfolded.

"H-Hey..." Eryna stuttered, stumbling forward a step, "J-Jason... This isn't funny... Get up! G-Get up!" She cried.

She fell to her knees with wide eyes. Her whole body trembled. Jason had been the strongest among them. If he fell so easily, what did it mean for them? He had been the figurehead of their entire mission - to save Dargon. Jason was the one who led them towards a bright future, untainted by the darkness of the past. He'd been the one to give them all hope, and had lit the way for them all. Now... he lay motionless, with injuries inflicted by one who had been a friend a mere hour earlier.

Ryhon started shaking. His hands shook as his mind rewound the moment again and again.

<--<< >>-->

Jason took another shaky step as blood leaked out of the corner of his mouth. He had a small smile on his face, despite the obvious pain he was in.

"I knew... you were in there... Selsian," He croaked, coughing. Blood splattered to the ground, quickly becoming covered by the deep dark mist.

His eyes were dulled by the pain but he looked directly at Selsian.

Jason staggered, stretching out his hand, "Hey, Selsian... let's... go back-"

Do I really deserve this? I hurt him! How can I...?"

Selsian moved his hand forward tentatively, his heart hammering.

"-to... the light," Jason said, then his hand dropped and his eyes closed. His legs buckled and his body fell.

Selsian stared in shock, his hand half outstretched. He fell on his knees, eyes wide and disbelieving. The darkness created from his anger and resentment slowly started to fade away, revealing Jason's blood covered body and Selsian on his knees.

What have I done?

<--<< >>-->

Near the end of the battlefield, Eryna crouched with Taryn and Adrian and the others. The scent of Jason's blood wafted over to them and Halian stiffened.

"Get me away from here!" He whispered, as his senses sharpened and his gaze narrowed at the location where the blood was coming from.

Eryna looked at him blankly. Adrian shoved Halian back and hissed, "His vampiric senses. He'll go over there and suck Jason dry if you don't do anything!"

Eryna stared, saying, "What does it matter? Jason's dead anyway."

"You don't know that for sure!" Taryn growled, "He could be alive. But not for much longer, so snap out of it and think of a way to help!"

"W-What?"Eryna said.

Then the tears started pouring down her cheeks.

"O-Oh gods... Jason..." She sobbed.

Taryn's usually emotionless face softened for a moment and he put a comforting hand on her shoulder. He was about to say something when and unearthly howl drew his attention to Halian, speeding away from the group towards Jason. His ears had elongated to points and his fangs were visible as he bared his teeth and growled. His inhuman speed moved him further and further from the group as his vampiric instincts took over and his entire being focused on the scent of blood radiating off Jason's body.

"Damn it!" Taryn said, throwing his hand out.

He called on his Silver Guardian powers and concentrated. Above Halian a blizzard began to form. Within seconds strong winds and snow pushed Halian back. His blood crazed mind paid no heed to the snow, however, and he struggled against the strong winds.

Shattered Kingdoms | Book 2 ✔ (REWRITING AS 'THE EXILED KING')Where stories live. Discover now