The Making of the Guardians

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*This is some backstory to the setting of Dargon. You do not have to read it. It only makes the setting of Dargon more familiar to you, as I might make hints as to what happened with the Great Blade and, most importantly, the Key.*

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The Seven Lieutenants and the Lord

Pelos said to his seven most loyal lieutenants, "Will you serve me, and only me?"

The eldest among them answered, "Nay, Lord, We cannot. We serve another."

"And, pray tell, who is this?" Pelos said.

"The first among us, Lord. Our brother by blood. He is the Lord among us, and we serve him first over all." The eldest replied.

So Pelos summoned their Lord, the first of the archangels, Cassiel. Cassiel rose from the first of the lakes on Dargon and bowed to Pelos Lightbringer.

Pelos repeated his question to Cassiel, and Cassiel replied so, "Aye, Lord. I shall serve you and no other."

And Cassiel took a dagger and slit his palm. His blood ran from the cut and he swore his eternal loyalty to Pelos Lightbringer. He tipped his palm, welling with blood, into the golden chalice.

Pelos then turned to the seven lieutenants, "Will you swear to serve Cassiel, and only he?"

The eldest answered yet again, "Aye, Lord, we do."

They each took the dagger, wet with Cassiel's blood, and slit their own palms, letting their blood flow into the golden chalice. Thus, the seven archangels swore their eternal servitude to Cassiel, the first archangel Prince.

To show his gratitude, Pelos duplicated each of them, giving them each a female mate. Cassiel's heir would replace him as Prince and the offspring of the Seven first would always swear loyalty to the Prince.

The First of the Eight Gifts - The Great Blade, Angelfire

Mortal had begun to thrive on Dargon. Still, many died poorly, and Pelos went to Cassiel. Cassiel looked upon his Lord and said, "Lord. I will forge them a sword that will one day save the from Darkness. Be warned, Lord, 'Tis a weapon of much power, and should it be used wrong, the Mortals may wipe themselves off Dargon."

Pelos gave this much thought, then replied, "It will be the first lesson for the Mortals. Control. This is wise, to prepare them for the trials ahead."

So Cassiel began to forge the great sword. The great sword was forged in the fires of the Abyss, set to cool in the eternal cold of Heresh, carved with mythical runes in the Ether and imbued with the Archangel's power on Dargon, deep under the waters of Lake Syllian.

One day, he came to his Lord.

"Lord. I have done as you asked. The blade is finished. Whom of the Mortals should receive this gift?"

Pelos pondered on the thought, then said, "Give it to the first man who prays at the Lake Syllian."

Cassiel nodded, then left.

Many years passed before a man, weary and poor, stumbled upon the Lake. He stooped to drink, giving thanks to Pelos for providing him with such a boon. Cassiel heard, and rose from the lake, his long silvery hair twisting around him, the great sword held in his hands.

The man gasped, "Pelos save me! Am I dreaming?"

"Nay, you are not dreaming. Who are you, to have trod upon sacred land of Pelos Lightbringer?"

"I? I am Rhyslin," The man replied.

"I name you Rhyslin Bladesworn. As wielder of the Great Blade, so shall you be bound in turn to the blade."

"What is this? I am a mere sell sword," Rhyslin protested.

"Nay. You are the first in five decades to venture across this sacred land, so you are the chosen. Name the Great Blade. If you truly are the chosen one, then you should know the true name of this blade." Cassiel handed the Great Blade to Rhyslin.

Rhyslin pondered over the answer then held the Great Blade aloft, "I name you Angelfire. Born of Angelfire, so shall you be known as Angelfire."

The Great Blade shone brilliant white light, the runes upon it blazing.

"Drakankyn. Ic aum reca ai Ether deseuam. Ot run re untah juked um dev yun hae ai Cen."

"Dragonkind. May you reach the Ether safely. No door is ever locked to those who have the Key," The archangel read the runes of Angelfire.

So Rhyslin Bladesworn was named the first bearer of the Great Blade, Angelfire.

The Second Gift: The Key of Power

Cassiel's loyal lieutenants, the Seven, heard of this deed. The eldest, Ianom, went to his Lord.

"Lord Cassiel," He exclaimed, "We have heard of the Gift. We wish to contribute a Gift each to the Mortals."

"Nay, Ianom. The Mortals must cope on their own."

The other six brothers entered.

"We will give them lessons as well as Gifts," The first, Secun, said.

"Aye, Things of power to teach them the agony of greed," said the second, Thyron.

"And to teach them the power of Sense," agreed Lyanus, the third.

"You may, but for every Gift must come the adequate protections. Else the Lord Pelos will be mighty mad," Cassiel relented.

The seven brothers got together, to decide the perfect Gift.

Ianom spoke up.

"I shall give them the Key. As Lord Cassiel's blade said, 'No door is ever locked to those who have the Key.' So shall no door ever be locked to the Mortals."

"It needs to be protected," Xantus protested.

"Aye. For my Gift, I shall bestow sacred power upon the most worthy Mortals so they should protect the Key and use it for good," Verian said.

"'Tis a brilliant idea. I shall give them blessed Crystals to enhance their every power," Keian, the last of the brothers, said.

So the brothers went to Cassiel and told him of their plans.

"Aye. I approve. You must find the most worthy Mortals, though. Let there be seven Mortals, as there are Seven of you," Cassiel approved.

So Ianom rose from Lake Syllian, and soared the world to find the worthy mortals.

He gifted Rhyslin Bladesworn, bearer of the Great Sword Angelfire.

Secondly, he gifted Monos Agian.

He gifted Gaiyus Targaren.

Ianom gifted Saemlin Dwarfson.

He gifted Xander Ravenstorm.

Lastly, he gifted Mediana Thronesgar.

They each rose to become the first of the Guardians.

He gifted the Key to Mediana for safekeeping, and she swore upon her life to guard it.

Thus, the first Guardians and the Key emerged.

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I'll add the rest of the tale of the Eight Gifts later, if anyone wants it. 

... Anybody..?




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