Chapter 19 - Grimalai

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"Is the plan still on for finding the sage, Jason?" Lirya asked.

Jason looked at her puzzled, and she spoke again, "It was your idea, you know. To find the Sage?"

"Ah, of course. It had simply slipped my mind," Jason stated, and Lirya smiled.

"N-Naturally. You've had a lot on your mind. We all have. So... when do we attack?"

Jason hesitated a moment before answering, "At dawn. Best be rested - it'll be a long day."

"Yes. Of course. I'll alert the others," Lirya said softly, the asked, "Jason?"

He looked at her oddly, "Yes?"

She shook her head distractedly. This was Jason.

"No... it was nothing," She said quickly, then went to tell the others about the plans. Aidan immediately set out to pitch the camp. His ability to fly caused him to be the fastest at pitching camp, and he readily agreed to help in any way he possibly could.

Ryhon spent much of his time summoning energy from the earth. He would sit cross legged for hours on the ground, palms on the ground, taking the energy that had built up there over the centuries. He was careful not to take too much, because if her did, the nature would start to deteriorate. Everything had a price, and that was all too true regarding magic. It stole from life forces, so if he did not keep replenishing from the earth, he would have aged prematurely.

Taryn spent his days studying up on his abilities. With books procured from Silvardor and whatever Ryhon could conjure, Taryn attempted to read up on how to control his abilities. It was tuned to his emotions, so when he felt any emotions strongly, he would become a storm of ice and snow. The queens had not had as much trouble since Jaron had his powers. Jaron was in the Ether now, as were many. There had been too many casualties during the battle against Tarbork's armies.

Eryna brought back food for them all. She was an expert huntress, and slipped through the woods on near silent feet, bow in hand. She had been appalled to know that humans ate Ignu birds, and that those birds were considered a delicacy. Ignu birds were sacred to the elves, as loyal companions and swift messengers.

Jaons was the mystery of the group. His abusive father was not abusive of his own free will - he'd been a captive of his fire powers. His mother could be dead, for all he knew, and he was travelling with the girl he was technically betrothed to. Lirya had made it firm that she was not intending to marry anyone anytime soon, though. He knew that even if they both loved each other with all of their hearts, that such a match would not work. Guardians are unable to intermarry with other Guardians - it messed up the succession. There would be no child born who possessed the powers of two Guardians. Ancient magic, put in place by Cassiel the First, ensured that no such union would come to pass. The Guardians would be warned, through pain, where the boundary between friendship and forbidden love was. It was a necessary spell, for there had to be a Guardian for every Crystal, and one for the Key. There could be no more, and no less. During the Age of Kings, Garyth assumed so much power that he thought himself a part of the Guardians - the seventh Guardian. Cassiel was quick to change Garyth's opinion on himself, exposing Garyth's plans to the other kings and the other six Guardians. The five kings became legends - Hero Kings. They erased every trace of Garyth's corruption - and his place as the sixth king, from public records.

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Crack! A tree branch crunched under Lirya's feet as she and Jason made their way back to the camp. Jason had both arms full of firewood, as did she, and they walked in companionable silence.

"Let's... rest... for a bit," Jason wheezed.

She nodded and stopped. He gratefully dropped his firewood in a pile on the ground and stepped away from it.

"I'll be glad to have someone do that for me!" He sighed, stretching his back.

Lirya stood, patiently, her arms straining. She had a steel will, and was determined not to show weakness - not even to Jason. All her life she'd been treated as the pampered daughter of a High Noble. The Heir to his house. She had been thought of as frail because of her plush life, but she had adapted well to her surroundings. The sound of Jason's footsteps made her turn towards him.

"Jason? Are you ready to go yet?"

He suddenly grabbed Lirya's arm, causing her to drop her firewood. She gasped, but he pushed Lirya against a tree and pressed his lips to hers. She was frozen in shock before she squirmed, trying to get free.

"Jason!" She scolded, "How could you do that? You know we're not allowed- able to be together! Guardians cannot! The lines cannot continue if they're mingled - and you KNOW THAT!"

He stared at her for a moment before saying, "I'm not Jason."

Lirya's breath whooshed out of her, "What?"

He let go of her and stepped back, his form rippling until it was not Jason standing before her anymore. He had pitch black hair with streaks of white in it. An arrogant smirk decorated his face and he had a cape that was black on one side and dark purple on the inside.

"I said, I'm not Jason," He repeated slowly.

"W-Who are you?!" Lirya cried, her heart thudding.

"I am Grimalai."

"Never mind that! What are you?!" Lirya breathed.

"I'm an eidolon. A powerful dragon shapeshifter. And I'm here to kill Ryhon Darkwielder. I have no quarrel with you. Forget you saw me, and kindly direct me to your friend."

"What? Never!" She hissed.

"Fine. I'll find him myself." Grimalai said lazily.

"You'll have to go through me first!" Lirya exclaimed, glaring daggers at the eidolon.

Had looks been capable of killing, Grimalai would be nothing but dust scattering in the winds by now.

"You are no match for me. Farewell, Daughter of a Conqueror," Grimalai stepped forward and pressed his hand to her forehead. Instantly, Lirya's eyes fluttered shut and she dropped like a stone. He caught her, and let her slip to the base of the tree, appearing as if she slept.

"Such a waste," Grimalai tisked, then walked away, his cape billowing in the afternoon mists. As he walked, his form rippled and it was once again Jason that walked back to camp.

<--<< >>-->

End Part 1.




So... What do you think of Grimalai?

FUN FACT: I actually made him because I was drawing and I have a tendency to name and make backstories of my characters. Grimalai/Grimali

*Song [FE:H - Hel's Theme]: It fits the ending of the chapter so well (In my opinion)*

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