Chapter 27 - Dragon Seal

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Heresh was a dull place. Edmund looked around at the green landscape and grimaced. Even if he got the choice to become one of the undead, if the price was to live in such a landscape, it was a definite no. Cassiel's words rang in his head, and he peered further. In a distance, he could see a structure looming up on the horizon.

"It must be the Palace," He said aloud to himself, more to be sure he hadn't gone deaf than anything else.

Retrieve the Angelfire... Jason will die without it...

Edmund inhaled and set out towards the palace.

<--<< >>-->

The doors were in sight, and Edmund could see the guards. Necromantian Guards, Cassiel's voice echoed in his mind. In the brief moments that the angel had been in his mind, he had entrusted Edmund with much knowledge of Heresh.

"I must see the King!" Edmund said boldly, as he neared the Guards.

They looked over him, lips curled in distaste. Each had long straight hair that was gathered in a topknot. They wore emerald robes accented with purple. Each held a spear and as he made to enter, they crossed them over the entrance, barring the access.

There should be a vault in Heresh where Angelfire is stored. It will be marked with two dragons. Get the King of Heresh to unseal it in any way you can, Cassiel had said.

"You may not enter. Only the undead may enter," One of the guards said.

"I'll get in, even with force," Edmund said and drew his sword.

The guards levelled their spears at him. Each guard had the superior strength and training of an elite Necromantian guard, but Edmund had the speed and agility of youth. Before they could react, Edmund ran up to the first guard and slammed the butt of his sword down on the guard's head. Hard.

He landed lightly on his feet and shook his head, saying, "Should have worn a helmet."

The guard crumpled and the other backed away.

"Are you sure you can't let me in?" Edmund asked nicely.

The Guard's answer was to rush at Edmund, swinging the spear. Edmund ducked and sank his elbow into the guard's stomach, knocking the wind out of him. The guard clutched his stomach and wheezed for breath. He never saw the hilt of the sword descend as everything went black and he collapsed, the spear falling to the ground with a clatter that echoed around in the silence.

Edmund stood up with a sigh, "I didn't really want to have to do that... that'll show those fools who thought that Jason was the only son in the Kainley family that ever received combat training!"

He walked past the fallen Guards and made his way through the palace doors.

"Excuse me!"

A ghost of a boy about ten years old appeared through a wall and Edmund jumped back with an exclamation. He wore a simple sleeveless shirt with a gold band wrapped around his upper arm. His hair was muddy blond, with bangs that nearly covered his eyes, and reached his chin. He wore simple leggings and leather boots.

"Wha-" Edmund stuttered, peering at the ghost.

The ghost boy floated closer to Edmund and spoke, "I said, excuse me. To get your attention. You're not supposed to be here."

Edmund looked at the boy, then replied, "I'm here to see the king of Heresh. Please point me in the right direction."

"I'm afraid that King Ryhon is currently on Dargon. Is there anything I may be able to help you with?"

Edmund squinted at the ghost, "You look an awful lot like- what's your name?"

"Who do I look like? I was told that my features took after my father. My name is Jemery," The ghost boy said.

"Ah... I had a bro- someone who was adopted into the family. Jason. I'm here to retrieve the Angelfire, by orders of Lord Cassiel," Edmund explained.

"Oh! You'll want the Dragon vault then. I'll take you there," Jemery said brightly.

Jemery led Edmund through twisting corridors and rooms that Edmund knew that he'd never have found, if not for Jemery. At last, they reached a large room with a sturdy door. Two dragon statues guarded the entrance. Each statue had emerald scales that glinted in the torchlight and two ruby eyes that seemed to follow them around. As Jemery and Edmund made their way closer to the door, the dragon statues creaked and turned, the ruby eyes blazing brightly.

"Have you the Dragon Seal?" An unearthly voice echoed around the room.

Edmund backed away a step, "Uh- Cassiel never said anything about th-"

Jemery gave a small smile to Edmund and held his right hand high up. Upon his finger was a golden right with a dragon matching those that guarded the vault.

The dragon statues creaked and groaned as their heads lowered in a bow.

"Welcome, heir of Rhyslin Bladesworn, first of the Golden Guardians. Take now your heirloom, that we have guarded for centuries."

The doors rumbled and opened slowly. Inside was a beautifully carved sword, placed on a pedestal. Edmund followed Jemery and picked up the sword reverently. He unsheathed it and beheld the bright blade that glittered in the semi darkness. It was a masterpiece. The hilt was made of bright and pure gold that wrapped around the blade of the sword with a small pattern of climbing roses. The scabbard was likewise decorated and strengthened with gold around the edges. The hardened leather was in perfect condition - as if it had been forged the day before.

"Bladesworn... Golden Guardian... Who are you?" He breathed to Jemery.

Jemery smiled and said, "Jemery Bladesworn, son of Reyneld."

"Wait..." Edmund muttered, the pieces finally coming together, "You're Jason's brother! You must be! I thought you looked alike... it's because you have the same father that you take after!"

Jemery looked wistfully at Edmund, "I... have a brother?"

Edmund's eyes widened, "Y-You didn't know?! But... aren't you the younger brother? I mean, you can't be more than ten, right?"

Jemery said, "I was ten when I died. Here, I've lived for fifty years. I'd be sixty if I still lived."

"Wha- you mean... Jason is your YOUNGER brother?!"

<--<< >>-->

I'm on a roll... I got this chapter out pretty early!

Guess this write-a-thon is doing some good afterall...

(The image is how I imagine the sword to look like. Obviously, this one is slightly different, but you get the point)

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