Chapter 22 - Ryhon's Journey

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Ryhon sat in a tree. He remembered the time when he'd been overjoyed at finding both Aelron and his twin alive. Although Daryn and he had gone separate paths, he had still felt the relief of knowing that he was not alone. Now he felt lonelier than ever. The dragons were left to their own devices, so Ryhon couldn't even talk to them like he used to. The dragons. He'd been surprised to find the eggs in the dungeons of Ravenstorm castle. He'd cast a simple aging spell so the eggs hatched in time to carry Jaons and his companions to Silvardor. He'd felt almost... alive... when he flew upon the back of the dragon.

Ryhon jumped from the tree branch that he'd been sitting on and landed with cat-like grace. Then he disappeared into the shadows, appearing a moment later in the center of Daryn's residence.

<--<< >>-->

He looked around and saw beds, filled with wounded warriors. The scent of blood was thick in the air, making him gag. It reminded him too much of when Vesan had taken his life, back when he was Selsian. Someone screamed and he turned around to see a warrior with clean linen stare at him in shock. He looked straight up from where he was and cast a small magical orb that would be invisible to everyone but the caster.

Satisfied, he strode over to the warrior and bent his head, whispering in her ear, "Where can I find Daryn?"

She jumped, but then pointed, "Through that doorway."

Ryhon nodded and swiftly passed the wounded warriors entering the room without knocking. Daryn and a young wolf were in the middle of a conversation when Ryhon strode in, breaking the conversation. The young wolf gave a startled jump when he saw Ryhon and his silver hair flashed in the sunlight streaming in from the windows.

"Daryn. A word?" Ryhon said, and when the silver haired wolf didn't move from Daryn's side, he said, "Alone?"

Daryn nodded to the boy, "It's alright. This is my twin. Ryhon, I believe his latest name is," Then he said suggestively, "He used to be Samuh."

The boy's eyes widened, but he left quickly.

"What was that about?" Ryhon asked, but let the matter drop when Daryn remained silent.

"Why are you here?" Daryn said, straight to the point, as always.

"Aelron," Ryhon sighed, "I might as well just say it. She was killed." He waited for the reaction. A second passed in silence, then:

"WHAT?!" Daryn exploded.

"A lot has happened," Ryhon said heavily.

"HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN?! No. How could you LET it happen?!" Daryn roared, grief etched into his face.

"As much as it sounds like I'm making this up, it was the will of Pelos," Ryhon replied steadily, "She was rescued by him, when King Naghren stole her for his own vile ideals. She was blinded, but still insisted on being in the fray. I didn't know it was her! She played us all for fools when she disguised herself as a masked clumsy boy! She was struck down by a demon when we were storming the gates of a fortified town in Anhua. Actually, we're still in Anhua, but that's beside the point."

Daryn listened to this with silence, then surged forward and grabbed the front of Ryhon's cloak, "HOW. COULD. YOU?! Aelron was everything to both of us! You! You were careless enough to allow a masked person to join you! You got played for a damn fool! It's YOUR FAULT that Aelron is dead!"

Ryhon hung his head, letting his brother's grief rush over him.

At long last, Daryn let go of Ryhon's shirt and shoved him away, "I don't... I don't want to see your face again! I... Just go!"

Shattered Kingdoms | Book 2 ✔ (REWRITING AS 'THE EXILED KING')Where stories live. Discover now