Chapter 26 - Miracles Do Happen

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"Halian!" Leyon yelled, as the vampire's breathing slowed. Please, Pelos, give me a way to save him! He thought, praying with all his might. He'd always believed that Pelos heard and answered people's prayers, but had never asked Pelos for anything before.

"You wish to save this being, cursed to thirst for eternity? Truly, you are noble. I shall grant you this one wish - may you use it wisely."

Leyon's eyes burned pure white for a second, then returned to normal, but Leyon's mind was in turmoil. The incantation for a powerful revival spell came to mind, but Leyon had never studied those.

Halian had gone still, and his soul rose from his body.

"No!" Leyon turned his attention to Halian and chanted, "Revit!" Revive! In the ancient language.

A bright circle with spinning runes glowed around Halian, and his soul that had previously been fading, turned back, and approached his real body.

Adrian and the rest of the Blackroses appeared, but when he saw Leyon's spell he blocked the others, saying, "Leyon's using a spell. Let's stay back and let him do his stuff."

The last time Adrian had barged in on Leyon's magic, he'd been practicing transformation and turned Adrian into a chicken. Adrian had been wary of Leyon's spells ever since. He was very capable of following through with any threats he made.

The elf was watching the entire thing with amazement written in her eyes as Halian's soul made its way back into his body and he opened his eyes in the real world. Halian gave a great gasp and sat up, but then looked at the place where his wound should have been. Instead, there was a blood-stained tear in his shirt and smooth, unmarked skin underneath it.

"How- what?!" Halian stuttered, poking his skin through the tear.

He looked at Leyon, who was still in a daze, "You saved me! I was dying... then the light pulled me back! How did you do that?!"

Leyon answered, "I-I don't know! I just... said the spell He gave me."


"W-Well. This isn't gonna sound rational, but I prayed to Pelos and he... answered."

Halian sighed, "It's unusual, but everything happening on Dargon is unusual these days. I'm not saying I believe you, but that would explain things."

Adrian chose that moment to appear, waiting until all traces of Leyon's magic had vanished.

"Leyon," He said, and Leyon looked up to see the elf waiting at the edge of the clearing.

"What do you want? Waiting to finish me off?" He called to her, and she shook her head.

She took a step towards him saying, "I... don't need to kill you. I need a favor... Please. There's someone I need healed. Please."

Leyon scratched his head, trying to get around the fact that their roles had basically reversed.

"Well... see, just now was the first time. I don't know if I can do it again. Besides, we have to get a move on. Things are happening in Dargon, and we cannot sit idly while searching for the Guardians."

The elf crept closer, "If you heal her... I'll show you the Guardians. Please. I beg of you."

Adrian grinned and slapped Leyon's back, "It's settled. He'll do it! Lead the way!"

"Hey! I never sa- oof!" Leyon glared at Adrian, but was given a harder slap to the back for his troubles.

"Shut up! It's our chance to meet the Guardians. Who cares if you have to heal some elf maiden to get there!" Adrian hissed.

The elf looked at them uncertainly, but lead the way when Leyon agreed to do the healing.

<--<< >>-->

Aidan glared daggers at Grimali. He and Grimali had a dark and twisted history together. Grimali had killed Aidan's father in front of his very eyes, and the young Prince had nearly died banishing Grimali to the Abyss. Now here he stood, once again before Aidan. Fate was indeed cruel.

"Well, well, what have we here? My, oh my, Aidan. You've certainly grown up," Grimali smirked.

"Grimali. For what you've done to my companion, I will kill you," Aidan growled, hatred in his eyes. This creature was the reason for his father's death. His father's death - centuries before he was supposed to pass away - was caused by this single being. The loss of the ruler of the archangels caused by Grimali. He'd shattered everything for Aidan back then. But now... Aidan was stronger and wiser. He was a true match for Grimali. Earlier had been raw and unrefined power.

Grimali rushed at Aidan, sending spears of dark matter at Aidan. A serious hit from those could cripple him forever, but Aidan blocked it with ease. He retaliated by gathering power at the tip of his sword and sending a bolt of lightning at Grimali. Grimali threw up his arms and blocked the attack easily.

"You're too weak! You'll never kill me!" Grimali taunted, gathering orbs of dark magic in each palm. Before Aidan could get close enough for a strike, Grimali shot the orbs at Aidan. In a split second, Aidan had shielded Lirya and his companions who were behind him, but took the full attack. A loud explosion rocked the floor and when the smoke cleared everything was clear. Taryn stared out of a see-through shield that had absorbed all of the impact, but Aidan had not been so lucky. He'd taken the attack full on and staggered to his feet.

A true match... that was what Aidan thought he'd been to Grimali. But the truth was that he never stood a chance, and as he got to his feet and faced down Grimali, that fact became clearer than ever.

He raised his hand and shouted, "Blood Sacrifice!" in the ancient language. Instantly, cuts appeared on his face and blood flowed. Large slashes appeared on his arms and legs too, and he hissed in pain. His white wings turned red and his eyes darkened to crimson. A red streak appeared in his hair and he rose about Grimali. With a single wave of his hand, a wave of blood waved over Grimali and he wailed in pain.

Aidan breathed heavily and looked unsteady on his feet, but he raised his hand again and made a fist. Instantly, Grimali was sucked into a whirlpool, but blood trickled down from the corner of his mouth. When the whirlpool faded, Jason's body was lying on the ground unconscious. A moment was all it took, but Aidan stumbled and collapsed on the ground. The protective bubble around Taryn and Lirya disappeared and Eryna shouted, "Aidan!"

She ran to him and saw his red wings slowly fade back into white. The red streak in his hair remained as Aidan lay in a pool of his own blood.

From the other side of the clearing, Leyon stared at the scene with shock. Surprisingly it was Elvina who took the first step forward. She made her way to Aidan's side and used her magic to make his deep cuts on his arms and legs fade away.

Eryna gave Elvina a smile of gratitude.

Just then, Jason woke up and groaned, "Owww... what happened? I... was in the Ether. Who stole my body...? Wait...? What? Aidan? My head!"

<--<< >>-->

So... there's a writing contest going on, so I guess I'm back to weekly updates.

(This was my first try at One on one magic battles - Thoughts?)

*Music: Arslan Senki OST - Tenchi Raisanka*

As always:





Shattered Kingdoms | Book 2 ✔ (REWRITING AS 'THE EXILED KING')Where stories live. Discover now