Chapter 20 - The Plans Unfold

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The image is how I picture Garyth. Any comments? If not, welcome back!

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It was in a beautiful forest near one of the only untouched areas of Anhua. Deep green pine trees surrounded rocky cliffs, where a beautiful castle perched high upon the cliffs. A palace built of blinding white marble columns and gold decorations. Some parts of it was built into the mountain itself, and stood regally still, nearly half a century since It should have been destroyed. This was the legendary castle Solan - A castle of beauty unrivaled. The castle was said to have been created by the gods themselves; Aeliyas granted the sturdy strength of the castle, Pelos blessed it's halls with his magic, Sylune added the legendary beauty and Nutaku molded the earth around the castle, growing cliffs like she would grow ivy up the walls of the castle. To many, Solan castle was the Hall of Gods - and indeed, strong magic surrounded the castle and the area around it.

It was true that most of Anhua was completely ruined , but in time the bare deserts had grown back into lush forests. Much of Anhua was still a desert, but the areas far inland had not suffered as much and the vegetation grew back. Solan castle was a marvel of magic and beauty that stayed intact throughout the war. It remained as one of the few artifacts undamaged by the war.

Inside the throne room, a man sauntered to the throne set at the back of the room. A marvelous red carpet with gold embroidery marked a straight path from the entrance to the foot of the throne. Large pillars that supported the ceiling lined the path, with torches on them.

The man that walked swiftly up the steps to the throne had spiky white hair and crimson eyes that reflected his true age. He wore a silver cape and a suit of armour the colour of polished stone. In his hand was a lance that was sharpened to a deadly point. He sat down on the throne and smirked.

In front of him a beam opened and a shape formed. The light vanished in moments and a young man of around sixteen years stood there. He had curly dark brown hair and sparkling hazel eyes. His hair framed his face, reaching to below his chin. He wore a silver chestplate and long black robes.

"Uncle Garyth! Uncle, I've succeeded! I've summoned a dead spirit!" He smiled.

Garyth did not look at him, "So, you return. I've told you not to call me uncle. You're my Heir. You will address me with the respect I deserve! I saved you at birth when you were to be killed!"

"I'm sorry uncle- I mean your majesty. But I have done as you've instructed. Am I worthy now?"

Garyth sighed, then beckoned for the young man to step forward. He muttered an incantation and pointed his palm at the young man. He was filled with light and rose upwards, his head tilted upwards and his eyes closed. Garyth closed his outstretched palm into a fist and almost immediately the light faded and the boy crumpled to the floor.

He straightened with a groan and smiled up at Garyth, "Thank you, uncle- your majesty!"

Garyth frowned, "What do you need all this magical power for, anyways? You are my heir, a descendant of my magical heritage. You have plenty of magical ability in your blood alone."

The young man smiled, "It's been diluted by generations of weak blood mingling with our blood. I wish to regain the power we lost and establish this as the true bloodline of kings!"

Garyth smirked, "That's a good mentality. The best," He laughed, "I shall follow your example, then."

He took a deep breath and tilted his head upwards and shouted, "No longer shall I strive to become a King of this measly world! I will become an Emperor... Emperor of the four Realms!" Garyth laughed, "Emperor Herus of the Four Realms... It has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?"

Shattered Kingdoms | Book 2 ✔ (REWRITING AS 'THE EXILED KING')Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt