Story 4: Pear nose

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Summary: Mabel tries to prove that Grunkle Stan's nose looks like a pear in 72 hours.

"Hey kids, I'm back!" yelled Stan as he walked through the front door with the groceries.

Dipper and Mabel came running in as he put them down on the table.

"Did you get my apples?" said Dipper.

"Yeah, yeah. They're in the bag kid," replied Stan.

"I can't wait to try those granny smiths," said Dipper as he reached into the bag Stan pointed at.

But as he pulled them out, he was left annoyed.

"Uh, Grunkle Stan, these are pears, not apples."

"Well it's not my fault they're both green. Blame nature," said Stan as he cracked open a can of Pitt cola.

"Ugh! I guess I'm gonna have to get some apples myself. Come on Mabel," said Dipper.

But as Dipper looked over to Mabel, he noticed she was looking at one of the pears in a weird way.

"Uh Mabel? You okay?" he said.

Mabel held the pear up to Stan's face and was left shocked.

"Oh my goodness. Dipper! I figured it out. Grunkle Stan. Your nose looks like a pear!" she yelled as she put the pear in front of Dipper.

Stan spit out his drink, "WHAT?!"

"Oh my goodness you're right, Mabel," said Dipper.

"My nose does not look like a pear. You hear me?" said Stan.

"But you gotta admit, it's the same shape as pear," said Mabel.

"No way. My nose is orange. That thing is green. And besides, there's no such thing as an orange pear," he said.

"Oh really?" said Mabel, "What if I found an orange pear? Would you agree then? Maybe...I don't know...dress like one?!"

"Oh, oh! Are you betting me missy?" replied Stan.

"Maybe," she said back.

"Oh, okay then. You have seventy-two hours to find an orange pear. Any old pear that's orange. But it has to be something people actually buy. No paint! No dye! If you win, sure, I'll dress up as a pear for a week, whatever. But if I win, uh, you and Dipper are doing the shopping for the rest of the summer," said Stan.

"Oh, it's so on," said Mabel.

She grabbed Dipper's hand and ran out of the kitchen with him trailing behind.

"Hey! What was that for?" he said.

"I need you to help me. Can you come to the grocery store with me?" she said.

"Yeah sure. I was gonna go there and buy apples anyways."

"Oh? Okay then. Come on!"

Dipper and Mabel traveled to the grocery store. As Dipper bought and ate apples, Mabel searched the aisles for an orange pear.

"There's nothing here!" she yelled.

"Hang on. I know another store," said Dipper.

At store number 2, still nothing. As Dipper tried the apple sauce, Mabel looked all over for an orange pear.

And so that's how the first day went. The twins went even as far as the other towns looking for an orange pear. By that evening they returned with nothing but a lot of apples.

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