Chapter 10 - Sleepover fun (but not that way)

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Im rlly bored so have a random chapter bc yes!

Me, Michael and Jared all out a bunch of pillows and blankets in the living room. I took the couch and laid down there. Jared and Michael shared the floor. Me and Michael changed while Jared just chilled. We started a movie and grabbed some snacks.

Half way through the movie, Jared fell asleep. In jeans. HOW DO YOU  FALL ASLEEP IN JEANS?! Anyway, I had an idea. I poked Michael on the shoulder to grab his attention. "We need to prank Jared, my dude." I whispered, pointing at my sleeping friend. Michael chuckled and nodded. We ventured to the kitchen to find either a marker of some sorts or whip cream.

We found 2 black washable markers and came back to Jared, who was still fast asleep. I giggled and wrote on him first. I wrote 'Meme god' on his forehead. Michael then, on his cheek, wrote 'Yeet urself'. During the writing process, we were chuckling but being careful not to laugh or chuckle to loudly.

After a bit, we completed our art project. "He's gonna be soooo mad." Michael chuckled. We went silent just before bursting out laughing, definitely waking Jared up. "What's so funny that you had to wake me up!?" Jared yelled. "Look in a mirror!" Michael said in between laughs. Jared pulled out his phone and looked in his selfie camera. Within second, a pillow came into contact with both my face and Michael's. "Oof. I think you killed me with your pillow." Michael said, acting dead. I giggled. "Now, let me go back to sleep!" Jared exclaimed, plopping his head back down on his head. "Yeah, we should get some sleep so we could go to hell, I mean school, tomorrow." I said, laying down on the couch and slowly falling asleep.

Hahahahhahahahahahahhsha Jared u fool

~ Our reality ~ Michael Mell x Reader ~  Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz