Chapter 12 - A'la Mode and a talk

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Wassup everyone, today you get to meet Connor and Evan from DEH so YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY now to the chapter

~Your POV~

After a while of playing video games, me and my friends got hungry. "Michael, Jared. I'm hungry!" I groaned, setting my controller down from playing a hardcore round of Super Smash Bros Ultimate. "Sameeee!" Jared said, mimicking my tone. "I'll drive ya guys to A'la Mode for some ice cream. Get up dudes." Michael said, getting up. Me and Jared got up and followed him to the car.

-Super quick time skip-

We had arrived at A'la Mode and got out of the car. We opened the door and walked in, a bell signaling that we had walked in. After we got our ice cream, two people in a booth caught my attention.  I looked over to see two boys, one wearing a black hoodie and the other a blue stripped polo shirt. "Connor and Evan? Is that you?" I asked, grabbing the two boys' attention. "Y/N! Long time no see! Come over here and sit with us!" Evan said, patting the seat next to him. "I'm actually here with Michael and Jared so I don't know." I said. "They can join us, too!" Evan answered me. I smiled and got Michael and Jared to sit with our old friends. 

For about an hour, we talked and caught up with each other. It was fun talking to my friends and not having the Squip bother me. After a bit, we all left the ice cream shop and parted in the parking lot.

-Time skip to later that night b/c yes-

~Michael's POV~

Jared went home around 9pm so it was just me and Y/N. We were on the couch, watching some random sitcom. "Hey Y/N?" I said, facing her. Her face turned towards mine and her beautiful (e/c) eyes met mine. My semi-dark skin hid my blush decently. "Yeah?" She responded. "S-stupid question, but do you think any of the popular boys are cute?" I asked, like an idiot. She started to giggle then laugh. That adorable laugh. "Of course not! They're all just a bunch of stuck-up jerks." She said, slowly calming down. I let out a little laugh. "Yeah, they are." I said, smiling. A few minutes past and she was asleep. She fell asleep sorta leaning against me. I smiled and stroked her (h/l) (h/c) hair. 'When am I gonna tell her?' I thought. 'Probably never, she'll never love a weed smoking guy'.

UGHHHHHHHHHHHHH here have this sorta filler chapter just to get the ball rolling

~ Our reality ~ Michael Mell x Reader ~  Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora