The park

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It has been a week since Derek left for DC, he called Meredith to talk to the kids every night. Meredith and Andrew had been catching up the past couple of days about what they had been up to since they last saw each other. Today Meredith was finally going to introduce Andrew to Zola and Bailey.

When Meredith and the kids got to the park she seen that Andrew was already sitting at the bench so she walked over there and said " Hey Andrew these are my kids Zola, and Bailey".
"Hi I'm your mommy's friend Andrew it's nice to meet you guys". He said with a smile. In a quiet union they both said "It's nice to meet you too." Zola said "Can Bailey and I go play for a little" Meredith smiled and said "of course". While they were playing Meredith and Andrew sat at a bench close to the playground area. Meredith and Andrew got to talking and then Meredith looked at him and kissed him. Meredith said with her mouth still close to his  face "I'm so sorry I shouldn't have done that". Andrew  said "it's alright" and put his hand on her face and kissed her again. After a while of them kissing Meredith said "okay we need to stop I'm married and my kids could see me".
"Oh crap I'm sorry I didn't think." Andrew said. " it's okay I wasn't either". Meredith said. They put the incident behind them and started talking again. Meredith was laughing like she hadn't in a long time. When Zola and Bailey came over and said they were hungry. Meredith got up and looked at Andrew and said "okay we better get going, we will meet up again soon". He hugged Meredith and said "okay see you soon" and then they walked to their cars.

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