Coming home

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Meredith was woken by the sound of the kids laughing. She got out of bed and walked out to the living room to find Derek playing with the kids. It's been months since she saw Derek in person. She was so happy to see him but she was so upset with herself for sleeping with Andrew. She didn't know how or if she was going to tell him. Derek walked over to Mer and kissed her. "Is something wrong babe"? He asked as Mer kinda backed away from him. "I just I missed you so much. I have off today we can take the kids to school and than spend the day together". She said with a smile. He kissed her again and said  "No, I'll take the kids to school you should rest today".

When Derek returned home from taking the kids to school he couldn't find Meredith. He walked into their bedroom and found her naked  on the bed. She looked up at him with a seductive look and said "take me for a ride Derek". Derek got undressed and climbed into bed. He missed how she tasted, smelt and how her body felt against his. She tasted so sweet like lavender.

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