The call

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Tonight was Meredith's night to call Derek. When she called some girl named Renee answered the phone and then hung up. She started to cry and thoght how could Derek do something like this to her. She got her phone and called someone and said " could you come over I need someone to talk too." He could hear her crying and said "of course I'll be over there as soon as I can". About 20 minutes later she heard the doorbell ring. She opened it and said "I'm sorry I called you this late I didn't know who else to call." He looked at her with concern on his face and said "Mer it's okay. What happened why are you crying"? She told him about how some girl answered Derek's phone and she started crying harder. She went over to the cabinet and got a bottle of tequila. They started drinking, laughing and having a wonderful time together.

That next morning Meredith woke up in bed naked. She rolled over to see him still laying there asleep. "Damn he looks even hotter when he sleeps". She said to herself. And than it hit her. She just cheated on Derek. She started to freak out. "Mer what's wrong why are you freaking out"? He asked. "Because we had sex. I'm married and we had sex. I cheated on my husband. My wonderful, funny, sweet husband AND WE HAD SEX". She said. "Calm down" he said as he went to reach for her hand. She pulled away and said "No Andrew it's not okay. We shouldn't have done this". "Okay Meredith sit down and take a breather." He said. "Okay, okay sorry I freaked. I just can't believe I cheated on Derek, knowing what it felt like when he did it to me". She said.  Meredith's phone started going off. She picked it up and looked to see who it was. "Oh shit, oh shit it's Derek" she said while freaking out. "Meredith calm down and answer before he thinks something's wrong". Andrew said. She answered and said "hEy DeReK" in a weird voice. He said "sorry I left my phone in the lab yesterday". She said "okay I have to cut to the chase did you cheat on me"? "I didn't cheat on you but Renee my co-worker kissed me, but it really meant nothing I pushed her away." Derek said.

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