Am i pregnant?

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"Why isn't this a good thing?" Alex asked. "Because it might not be Derek's ." She said. Alex just stood there shocked after minutes of silence he said "who else's could it be"? Meredith look to the ground and said " do you remember the new peds attending Dr. Deluca well him". Alex screamed "YOU SLEPT WITH HIM"? Meredith started getting all chocked up and with her voice all shaky she said "I called Derek one day and a girl answered. I thought he cheated on me. So I called Andrew and he came over. We started drinking and than next thing I know I woke up naked next to him. It was a stupid mistake I know. Alex I love Derek what am I going to do"?  Alex put his arm around her and said "Mer I don't know. We will figure this out together I promise". She knew she had to tell Derek and Andrew. She didn't know which one to tell first. She loved Derek but she was also starting to fall back in love with Andrew. I guess it's true when they say 'feelings never really go away'.

It was a Friday night and I decided to call Cristina she probably would just make fun of me and say "well you shouldn't have slept with him" but in our own way she would make it better. "Hey Cristina I have news". "Good or bad?" Cristina said. "To be honest  I don't even know myself" Meredith said. "So what's the news Meredith." Cristina asked. "I'm pregnant! and before Meredith could finish the sentence Cristina said "awe another Mcdreamy." Then Meredith finished her sentence and said "... and it might not be Derek's." Cristina's mouth dropped.

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