Chapter 1

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Sara's Point Of View

I looked at my car that was full with my suitcases and the things i would need for when i get back home. I smiled to myself struggling to contain my excitement as i turned back to face my parents, who i have to say seemed quite happy for me. I ran up to them and first pulled my Mum into a hug, she instantly hugged back. "Make sure you call me the minute you get to Marco's ok?" she checked, tucking a piece of my long natural blonde hair behind my ear. I rolled my eyes at her, smiling nonetheless. "Of course i will Mum" I replied making her smile and she stood back letting me turn to my Dad. I smiled as he pulled me into a hug, as he pulled out he started talking. "Now Sara, if a guy comes near you, tell Marco and he will kill them for me, You are too good for any man you got that?" he paused and i nodded rolling my eyes at him too. "We will see you soon and take care my little princess and dont forget if you need anything dont be too proud to call us ok?" He finished and i nodded innocently. I kissed both of my parents on the cheek and turned back getting into my car. I pulled my sunglasses over my eyes and started the engine. "I love you both" i said as i took one last look at my parents who stood waving, "We love you too princess, take care and don't forget to call us!" My dad exclaims as i giggle. I agree and then drive down the road. Here's to the future which i cant wait to start.

It took me 5 and a half hours to get from Munich to the place i like to call home, comonly known as Dortmund. Now you may be thinking why does she think of Dortmund as her home when she lives in Munich? Well live me give you a low down about my life. I was born and for 14 years i lived in Dortmund, but the day after my 14th birthday my father got transfered to Munich with his job. Now dont get me wrong i didnt mind moving because, well i love my parents tons but i am definitely a daddy's girl, always will be, thus meaning i would move for him. Every summer though he and Mum would bring me home to Dortmund so i could see my friends and Family. Anyways up to date, i applied for a job in Dortmund as a fashion journalist and just my luck i got it! I could not contain my excitement when i got that news! The first thing i did, after telling my parents of course, was messaging my closest and bestest friend ever Marco Reus. Now i know you may be thinking a sports journalist being friends with an athlete isnt that a bit strange? Well no it is not, you see me and Marco go way back to the days when i played football in Dortmund and when he first started we got paired as part of a bonding scheme the club did between the girls and boys side, and well its fair to say we bonded alright, we instantly became like brother and sister. Anyways when i told him that i was coming home he demanded that i moved in with him, so this explains why i am sat in my car outside his house. 

After phoning my parents from the car to say i was here i got out of my car and headed to the front door. i stuffed my phone on my pocket and rang the doorbell. I then hid sideways at the door so when he opened it he wouldnt be able to see me. It took about half a minute till i saw the door opening, "hello?" Marco asked taking a step out of the door to look around. When he did this i jumped onto his back and shouted "Marcyyyyyy" he caught me and burst out laughing. He carried me indoors and let me down. "You had me worried there i thought i had gained a stalker or something" he stated narrowing his eyes a little at me. I let out a loud laugh and patted his back. "That would mean someone would have to find you attractive which is impossible!" i laughed at his jaw dropped, shocked at what i had said to him. I giggled and patted him on the back, "don't worry Marcy we will find you someone i am home now, in the mean time help me with my things?" i asked innocently and he sighed and mumbled something along the lines of "so glad to have you back Sary" i giggled and lead him out to the drive where my things were waiting. 

I had been settled in for 4 hours i was the definition of 'making myself at home' i was sat back on the settee with my feet up on the coffee table with the music channel on tv listening to the song that was being played. I was interrupted when the doorbel went. "Sary! could you get that please?" Marco called through from the kitchen. He was making me food, we had this understanding that we would cook on alternate days and today was his. The doorball rang again which made Marco call me again. "Sary?" he called through. "I got it! Jeez! cant people wait for me to get the-" i cut off my ranting when i opened the door to see three guys standing there smiling at me. "Hallo Sara" Sven greeted me, how did he know my name? must have been Marco. "Hallo" i replied simply letting them in i said hello to Erik and İlkay as they came in. They made their way to the lounge as i went the opposite way into the kitchen. "Marcy! why didnt you tell me your friends were coming over?" i asked as soon as i knew they wouldnt be able to hear me. He laughed at me then turned to me with a smug smile, "surprise?" he tried and i frowned at him which then turned into a pout. He crossed his arms over his chest leaning against the wall as he watched the food, "Sorry i just knew that if you knew they were coming you would have gone out or hid, you need to get used to the guys being here" he stated and i knew i didnt have  comeback. I couldnt hide in my room everytime they came over right? "i suppose so" i frowned but nodded anyways Marco knew what this was doing to me. He knew that i loved football and he knew how much i loved Borussia Dortmund. "Now go be a good host and offer them drinks, they are staying for dinner which will be ready in" he paused to check his watch, "20 minutes exactly". I rolled my eyes at him and made my way back to the lounge. 

When i got to the lounge i looked at the guys as they were all sat back chatting generally, i stopped and hid behind the wall when i heard my name mentioned. "So this Sara is quite hot dont you think Erik?" Sven asked and i rolled my eyes. I never heard Erik answer but i heard İlkay say "I would" and then i heard slapping of hands. Ok that was disgusting, I cringed and walked in acting oblivious to everything. "Sorry about that i had to check something with Marc- oooo Marco" i stopped when i realised i nearly called him Marcy infront of his friends. That was another term of our friendship, no nicnames infront of other friends, to save us from embarrassment. Sven and İlkay raised an eyebrow at me as if to ask why i said his name like that and i didnt even bother to look at Erik. "You guys want a drink?" i asked changing subjects quickly. They forgot about the earlier incident and all agreed to the drink. I let out a breath of relief happy that it meant i could get out of the room again as i made my way to the kitchen. 

I was managing to stay quiet for the whole dinner until i looked up to see Marco smirking at me. My eyes widened at him, i know that when he has that look it never ends well for me. He cleared his throat and turned to the guys, "I do have a feeling we are being rude, none of us have spoken to Sarrr-a Sara" He paused glancing at me because he had made the same mistake as i did earlier. He bit my lip trying to stop the giggle coming out due to the fact that the guys had the same confused looks etched on their faces. Marco cleared his throat again and smiled sheepishly. "So anyways, this is my best friend/ little sister Sara, she has just moved up from Munich, she loves our team, sports and she is due to start her new job soon, her new job being a fashion journalist. Oh she is also my new housemate" Marco summed up with a big smile on his face, he couldnt have made me more stupid even if he had tried! i felt a blush creep upon my face and glared at Marco. I turned to the guys to see them thinking about what he had just said. "Marco said you two used to play football together which means you must be a good player right?" Sven asked inquisitively. I shrugged a little "a little maybe" i replied turning back to my dinner. 

After dinner the guys were in the lounge and i was currently in my room on the phone to my Dad because he needed to check somethings over about stuff to do with my move back home. Once i had finished on the phone i walked out into the hall to only crash into someone. "Im so sorry" i quickly stated and as i looked up i was met with a pair of blue eyes. I took a breath and before i had chance to say something stupid or apologise again, he spoke up "its ok, im sorry it was my fault i should have looked where i was going, i was in the bathroom not that im sure you needed to know that but yeah i was then when i came out i wasnt watching where i was going and bam-" i cut him off from ranting by putting my hand on his arm smiling slightly happy that it wasnt just me who rants under pressure. He looked down at my hand making me pull it back quickly. "Sorry" i mumbled blushing and avoiding eye contact. Just then i heard the top step go and my eyes flicked to see none other than Marcy standing there smirking at me. "Chatting her up already Erik?" he asked making us both blush. Could it be that Marco Reus is out to embarrass me more than he did when i was little?

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