Chapter 7-

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Chapter 7-

A/N Let me know what you think! Hope you are enjoying it. 

Sara's Point Of View

I walked into the house Erik following closely behind me, i turned to see him still with a smile on his face. Before i could go into the room he grabbed my arm softly pulling me back to him, "Sara,can i take you out on a date?" i could see the hope in his perfect eyes. I was frozen at what he said, a big smile appeared on my face and i replied with "I would really like that" i simply stated but added "this time lets tell Marco we dont want any tantrums" i winked cheekily making Erik chuckle a little. He let go of my arm and we walked into the living room where the other three were. "Did you miss me?" i exlcaimed making all three of them jump turning to look at me. Sven who had his hand on his chest said, "Of course we did but if you scare us like that again we will get revenge" making me roll my eyes. I went and plonked myself inbetween Marco and Mats who both pulled me in for a quick hug. "So what was the surprise Erik showed you Sara?" Sven asked wiggling his eyebrows at me. I rolled my eyes and said "He bought Papa's house" excitedly, turning to Marco and seeing his shocked expression. "Why didnt i think of that?" he demanded but then he turned to Erik pulling him in for a man hug and thankng him. "Oh and one more thing..." i trailed off quieter avoiding Marco's eye contact, quickly looking at Erik and down to the table. "What?" Marco asked happily, while Mats and Sven just sat watching the conversation that was happening around them. Before i could reply Erik spoke up, "I asked Sara to go on a date with me, which she agreed to". My head snapped up and he gave me a small smile and winked at me, he had saved me from saying it because he knew i was worried of Marco's reaction. I turned to see Marco, Mats and Sven all smiling, "It's about time bro!" Mats exclaimed he then turned to the guys and said "you both owe me 20 euros!" both guys frowned and dug out their wallets. I looked up to Erik to see him looking as confused as me, "wait you bet on when i was going to ask her out?" he asked shocked and all three of the guys nodded. I shook my head giggling a little "I guess boys will be boys" i said making everyone laugh.

We have just finished the Fifa tournament when i put my hand in my pocket and felt a piece of paper. It was Marco's letter from Grandad, I looked around the room and saw Mats and Sven sulking whilst Erik and Marco laughed at them and throwing pieces of popcorn at them. I couldnt help but love this picture, i hadnt know three of these guys that long but they had already become the best friends someone could ask for. "Marco?" i asked making him pause with a piece of popcorn in his hand. I motioned to the hallway and i saw his eyebrows furrow but he nodded, standing up and excusing us, this lead to disaster because Mats and Sven both stood up and rugby tackled Erik onto the settee both sitting on the poor guy. I turned back to help him but he waved me off knowing why i needed to talk to Marco i nodded turning back to the hallway and going after Marco. 

Marco's Point Of View

I was so confused why Sara had asked me to come out into the hallway. I lead her into the kitchen and we both sat around the dining table. I have to say im glad Erik asked her out i know they would be a good fit and hes a good lad. At least if its one of my closest mates ask her out then i can keep an eye on them. She really seems happy after spending the evening with him. "Marco when we got to Papa's house Erik had found something. It was a letter to me from him, but inside it had a letter for you too. I obviously didnt read it but yeah... Here it is" she said taking a piece of paper out of her pocket and placing it on the table that seperated us. I eyed it and sure enough i saw 'Marco' wrote on it in his fammiliar handwriting. I looked up at Sara but she wasnt there she must have gone to give me some time to read it. I slowly and hesitantly unfolded the piece of paper and gasped when i saw it was his actual handwriting. I suddenly had no hesitations and started reading it...

Could It Be?Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum