Chapter 20-

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Chapter 20-

A/N This is for the anon that wanted one last chapter...

Sara's Point of View

I have been in Munich for a few weeks, i have loved being at home and spending time with my family and all of the guys. I have spoken to Marco everyday and i have skyped him, the twins and Mats a few times and i have to say i missed them loads. "Sara hurry up we are going to be late!" I heard Dad shout and i grabbed my bag and made my way out of room and down the stairs. "You ready?" he asked smiling widely. I nodded and we made our way out of the door, we were on our way to the Allianz arena to see Munich vs Dortmund, it was for the champions league i was sick with nerves let me tell you why... First, I want Dortmund to win but then i will want to cry for the Munich guys. Secondly, it would be the first time i see the Dortmund guys properly since i have left. Lastly, I would see Erik. If they arent reasons to make a person anxious then i dont know what is!

Me and Dad were sat to the left of the Dortmund bench and the guys were lining up ready to play.I smiled to Dad with excitement, he patted me on the shoulder pulling me in for a side hug. I turned towards the pitch and looked at Marco to see him smiling and waving to me. I put my thumbs up sending a cheeky smile to him, he stuck his tongue out at me and winked. I heard Dad laughing and i turned to look at him, "I will never understand you two kids you know?" He asked and i laughed a little shrugging slightly. Since i have been in Munich i have managed to go back to my usual happy self, i have put everything behind me deciding i didnt want to worry on the past because as much as i may want to i cant change what happened. The whistle brought me out of my thoughts as me and Dad cheered for our mutual love. Borussia Dortmund.

We were now minutes away from the final whistle and Dortmund were losing, i was heartbroken. The guys had done everything that they possibly could, we could blame them i could tell they were distraught. The ref blew the final whistle and i sat down burying my face in my hands, i felt my Dad put his hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see Marco laying on the floor with his head buried in the grass. I wanted to comfort him, i looked up to Dad and he immediately knew what i was thinking. "Go see him i will see you at home" he said and pulled me in for a hug. He made his way to the exit and i turned towards the bench "Papa Klopp" i shouted and he must have heard me becasue he spun on his heel turning to face me. "Sara!" he exclaimed walking over to the advertising board that separated us. I instantly pulled him in for a hug as he reached me, "Can i?" i simply asked gesturing to Marco he nodded and helped me over the board telling the steward i was staff. 

I walked onto my pitch and when i reached Marco i sat down beside him, i put my hand on his back and simply said "Marco". He knew it was my voice and he raised his head a little, i saw tears running down his face. I sat up on my knees pulling him up so he was sitting too, i hugged him and sat back. Marco and me were just sat looking at each other, I looked over his shoulder to see Mats, Sven and Erik all spread out. They looked distraught, everytime someone went to see if they were ok they would push them away. "Stay there" I told Marco as i got up on my feet making my way over to Mats first, he was crouched down staring at the grass infront of him wiping his tears away. "Mats come with me please" I said and he looked up at me, he stood up and the minute he did he pulled me in for a tight hug. I could feel him crying onto my shirt and it took everything i had in me not to join him. I took his hand and made my way to Sven next. He was sat on the grass with his arms wrapped around his knees just staring into thin air i tapped his shoulder making him come back to reality. "Come with me" i stated sternly and he knew he wasnt to argue so he nodded sadly and followed me. I made my way back to Marco and looked over my shoulder to see Erik crying by himself. I told the guys to go and get a jacket and that i would meet them at the tunnel because i am taking them somewhere. They nodded and made their way off the pitch.

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