Chapter 3-

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Chapter 3

Sara's Point Of View

At about 7 the rest of the guys started turning up and much to Marcos disappointment i decided to go upstairs and check my fashion blog and pack some more of my things away. I hate feeling like im intruding so i really wanted to leave him to enjoy his party with his friends without him having to worry about keeping an eye out for me. I set up my laptop and turned it on just as my phone beeped to let me know i have a text. 

From: Marcy 

Are you ok up there? You need a drink or something? I am only downstairs if you need something. love ya x

I rolled my eyes at him and replied saying that i would have a coke. I only had one so he knows im drinking it will stop him worrying for me if he knows i have a drink and have eaten. Sometimes i honestly believe he is worse than my parents, who i spoke to earlier and they said they were missing me tons. After i had gotten changed into my slouchy top and shorts otherwise known as my pyjamas i heard a knock on my bedroom door. I was pugging my laptop in under my desk and thinking it would be Marco i shouted "Come in". I was about to crawl out from my desk when i heard someone clear their throat and i knew for a fact that wasnt Marco. I froze in place wondering who he had sent. I slowly turned to see Erik standing at the bottom of my bed smiling shyly, i smiled back and crawled out from under my desk. "Sorry i was just plugging my laptop in" i mumbled pointing to the socket trying to not make eye contact. "Can i sit i would like to talk to you about something if thats ok?" Erik said confidently making me nervouse because i dont think i had seen him this confident. I nodded not trusting my voice at this moment in time and he took a seat on the end of my bed whilst i sat on the edge of my desk. He placed my drink down on my bedside table and started talking, "so i am going to explain myself, i am not confident with meeting new people who i know i will see a lot because well i guess i am just shy around normal people. I think you are a really cool girl Sara, so i thought maybe you wanted to come to mine tomorrow and hang out so we can get to know each other? I think we can be great mates Sara but i just go shy when im in front of the guys" I was shocked at what he said Erik wanted to hang out with me? I looked at him to see him smiling at me shyly and before i had a chance to think of my answer i had replied with a simple "yes i would like that" and then he had biggest smile on his face which made him even more handsome than he normally is. 

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing, without looking at the name i answered the call. "Hello" i asked trying to sound awake as i possibly could. I then heard a soft voice that is becoming familiar to me. "Hey Sara its Erik. I am just leaving mine to come get you i wanted to check if theres anything you wanted for today?" i immediately awww'd at how cute he was being. "Hey urm no i dont think there is" i simply stated, shrugging even though he couldnt see me, i sat awaiting his reply which was a "oh ok well i guess i will see you in  few minutes bye" and after me saying bye we hung up. I quickly ran and jumped into the shower quickly. 

After i had showered i quickly got dressed and put a light amount of make up on, i heard my phone go off just as i grabbed my bag and sunglasses. I checked my phone to see a text from Erik saying he was waiting outside, we had decided not to tell Marco or the guys, just due to the fact that Marco was so protective of me and the guys would either tell him or wouldnt stop winding us both up thinking it was something its not. I quickly text back saying ok and that i would be out in a minute. I ran down the stairs and went into the lounge to see Marco laying along the settee. "Hey Sary everything ok? you are up early" he stated and i laughed rolling my eyes, he knew that i loved my lay ins and when Erik said this time i wanted to cry but i was kind of looking forward to it so i didnt want to say no. "Hey Marcy, im fine you?" i paused and he said he was fine. "I cant stay i am going out with a friend now" i simply stated and he nodded so i got up and hugged him but when i got to the door i heard him mumble, "thats strange i didnt think she spoke to her friends around here anymore" and before he had the chance to see the car i ran out of the front door, down the drive and got into Erik's car telling him to drive the minute i got my door closed. 

It was only a short car journey to Erik's and we had both chatted about anything on the way, we laughed loads and i coudnt help but think that he is ike a total different Erik, compared to how he acts around his team mates. We made our way up to his apartment and he unlocked the door letting me go in first, the minute i walked in i was amazed due to the fact that it was nothing like i thought it would be. His apartment was so modern and neat and tidy, "I love your place" i stated in awe at how amazing his place really was. I turned to see him with a proud smile, "thanks it took me a while to get it like this but i was really happy with it by the time i had finished" he explained. I was further amazed to realize that he designed and decorated the place himself. "Make yourself at home i will get us some drinks" he stated gesturing to the comfy looking sofa in his lounge. 

It was now 6pm and i can honestly say that Erik is so funny and such a great guy, we havent stopped laughing, in fact at one point i thought we were going to have to call an ambulance because i made him laugh and he started choking on his drink. Eventually he stopped coughing and then he was ok thank god. We had just finished a film when there was a loud knock on his door, I looked over to him to see a confused look on his face. "I told the guys i was out all day today and it wouldnt be any relatives they always call first" he summed up. He got up when they knocked again and looked through the spy hole in the door. "Shit!" he exclaimed turning quickly to face me but before he had the chance to explain why he was cursing i heard the oh so familiar voice through the door. "Erik everything ok mate? you said you were going out all day and when i drove by your car was outside, just making sure you arent ill or anything" he reasoned and Erik quickly passed me my bag and told me to wait in his bedroom, i followed his instructions and went into his room hoping whatever Marco wanted it would be quick. 

An hour later i was still sat on Erik's bed, i can  hear everything they are saying and Erik has tried to get rid of Marco in every way possible and MArco just wont move his stupid ass. "Ugh!" i muttered as i threw myself back onto Erik's bed. "Erik is it alright if i ask you something to do with Sara?" Marco asked and at the sound of my name my ears definitely listened more intently. Although i stayed laying on his bed just because of how comfortable it is. Erik must have nodded because next thing i know Marco is talking again. "Shes really close to me and you know that but Sven told me what you had said about finding her really attractive" Erik burst out coughing and i couldnt help but giggle quietly because it remindind me of earlier. Marco carried on once Erik had calmed down, "I think you could be good for her bro so i suggest you two become friends first but i will stand off when it comes to you two" he finished and i couldnt hear Erik reply. Next thing i know Erik is coming in the room and he took one look at me spread out on his bed and burst out laughing, but he suddenly became worried "Did you hear what Marco said?" he questioned but whispered it. I immediately shook my head innocently and saw relief wash over his features. "Hes still here and it doesnt look like hes going anytime soon, im really sorry is there anything i can get you?" Erik asked sweetly. I shook my head but just as he was about to leave i pulled him arm and he turned to face me, before i had fully realised what i was doing i had pulled him into a hug and i felt him stiffen but a second after he hugged back. "Lets hope i make it out tonight!" i whispered joking and he laughed and then made his way back to the living room. I heard Marco ask him where he had been and then my mind turned off. 

Two films later... YES TWO FLIPPING FILMS! I am still laying on Eriks bed staring at the ceiling.I honestly thought Marco had things to do today but how wrong was i?! "Right Erik im just gonna call Sara and see if she needs a lift home from her friends then im gonna head off" My eyes immediately widened and i emptied my bag out over Eriks bed trying to search for my phone but i soon realised it wasnt here. Where the he- noooooooo. i cut off my thoughts when i remembered i last had it on the kitchen counter and before i had any chance to think anything else i heard my well known ringtone going off. "Is that?" Marco asked but cut off when he knew the answer was a yes. In no time at all the bedroom door flew open and there stood Marcy staring at me sitting on the end of Eriks bed. "Um hey Marco surprise?" i stated with a sheepish smile. Could it be that i have just dropped myself in it again? 

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