Chapter 5-

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Chapter 5

A/N Let me know what you think!

Sara's Point Of View

The next morning i woke up cuddled up to someone, i slowly opened my eyes and noticed that it was Marco. I quietly got out of bed and made my way towards the bathroom. I had a quick shower and in my dressing gown i made my way down the stairs walking into the living room i stopped in my tracks. "Guys?" i asked shocked at the three faces sat on the settee. They all turned to face me straight away when they realised me Erik jumped up and walked over to me, when he reached me he pulled me in for a hug and my instant reaction was to hug him back, i buried my face in his chest wanting to stay like this and to block out the rest of the world. However all good things must come to an end, like Eriks hug he pulled back a tucked a piece of hair behind my ear giving me a small smile. I turned to face Mats and Sven who both did the same as Erik. "What are you guys still doing here?" i asked confused as to why they were still at Marco's. Mats cleared his throat and spoke up "The Boss told you, we are all a family at this club. He gave us four the day off so we can help and look after you" he said pushing me so i sat down on the settee. "Me and Sven will go make breakfast Erik you go get Marco up" once again Mats directed but before Erik could leave the room i grabbed hold of him. "Let him sleep it was his Papa too" i simply stated and Erik nodded and sat back down on my side pulling me in for a cuddle. Five minutes later i heard Mats call through and i got up and walked through to the kitchen, there were pancakes stacked as tall as me. My eyes went wide as i looked at Sven who smiled sheepishly and said "Sorry we had a competition" he looked so innocent i had to chuckle a little. My Grandad was right these guys cared, i thought as Mats pulled a seat out next to him and patted it hinting for me to go sit next to him. 

It was now the day of the funeral, sadly my parents havent been able to come home for it due to the fact Mum is now ill in Munich and they couldnt risk travelling which i understand, so would Grandad. However this means that it is just me and Marco that are classed as family due to the fact that i have no aunts or uncles on that side of the family. I think overall i have been coping quite well, the guys have been awesome though they have helped me through everything, Me and Erik have become a lot closer now though, the guys have great fun in winding us up about it. I had asked for it to be the five of us all going in the 'family car' together, because Grandad would have loved that. 

After the ceremony everyone went back to Marco's, I greeted many of the familiar faces and my jaw dropped when no other than Jürgen Klopp walked in smiling sadly at me. I put my hand out to shake his but that didnt faze him because once again he pulled me into a hug, once he pulled out he started talking "Sara, i am so sorry for your loss, I know i havent known you long but you are part of Der BVB family, so if  there is anything at all that you need just let me know and come back to work when you are ready, not a moment before ok?" i nodded as a thanks to him making him have a small smile. "I trust my boys have been looking after you right?" he asked and i smiled widely saying yes. You see since the day Grandad had died Mats, Erik and Sven had practically moved in with us, they would make breakfast then Marco and them would go to training giving me a couple of hours to myself then they would come home at lunch, i made lunch then we would all do something together. They have done nothing but prove my Grandad right. 

After a couple of hours people started to leave and soon enough everyone had gone apart from the usual 5, i knew what i needed to do and i know now was the time. "Hey" i started as i walked into the living room seeing them all sat around the settee, "can you guys help me with something please?" all four of them looked up at me and jumped up. "Of course we will" Sven said rushing over to me, i smiled and grabbed MArco's car keys throwing them to him, him catching them earning a 'nice catch' from Erik. Soon we pulled up outside the now empty house and i was met with nothing but rage "He has been dead a week and they are auctioning his house tomorrow?!" i exclaimed and the guys eyes went wide. I stormed into the house and started packing all of his stuff up, "Guys grab a box and put everything in there ok?" i asked trying to calm myself down. The guys agreed and started packing things up whilst i called the estate agents and tried to earn some time to save the house, which they refused. I then phoned my parents and unfortunately they didnt have enough money saved to be able to pay for it. "It looks like i am going to have to say goodbye to all of our memories" i stated walking back into the room Marco and Erik was in. Marco pulled me in for a hug and i smiled sadly remembering all the summers me and Marco would spend here. "Its time to move on Sara, but dont worry the memories will stay with you, everything will be ok" he said as he placed a light kiss on my forehead. I nodded and made my way back upstairs to start packing away his clothes. I sat down on the end of his bed and grabbed his jumper that had been hanging on the closet door. I pulled it close and smelled it. The one smell brought back the amount of times when i was little girl and would go running straight into his open arms. He would wrap his arms around me and lift me up with ease, i would then snuggle into his arms and 9 times out of 10 i would fall asleep. Before i could stop it the tears started flowing freely out of my eyes. I curled up into a ball and sat cuddled up to his jumper knowing that after a certain amount of time the smell would be gone and i would never get it back like i was never going to get him back.

Four of us were now standing outside the place that was once my Grandads house, the place that held so many memories for me. Erik had gone missing stating that he needed to make a call. In no time at all the bidding started and people were fighting it out on who would end up with the house that held so much character. However in no time at all the hamer went down stating the house had been sold. I turned to look at Marco he looked just as sad as me, he turned his back on the house and pulled me with him, Mats and Sven followed us close behind. They had really stuck by me, i was starting to see them as brothers. ALthough i dont know about Erik, sometimes he makes my heart flutter and when he cuddles me it makes me feel instantly better i am not going to lie i think i may well be attracted to Erik Durm. 

Later that night we were all sat having dinner and Erik cleared his throat, "i know this might not be the right time, but i bought a new house today, im moving out of the flat" he stated smiling a little and looking very proud of himself. "What?! i thought you loved your flat" i stated looking at him, he just shrugged finishing his mouthful of food, "this house just means more to me, can i take you to see it after dinner?" he asked shyly but locking eye contact with me. I nodded and went back to eating my dinner. Once we had finished the guys told me and Erik to go and see the house. I cimbed into the passenger seat and turned to see Erik looking at me, "Can i put a blindfold on you its a surprise" he reasoned shyly. I was shocked to start with but then i realised this was Erik he wouldnt do anything so i nodded and he pulled a cloth out gently wrapping it around my eyes. After a little while i felt the car come to a stop, Erik quickly said "Stay there" i heard his door slam and then my door open, he helped me out of the car and stood holding my hand which was tingling from his touch making me giggle. "Sara, i had to do this for you and there's a reason i told you to leave the stuff and we would pick it up tomorrow because it would be easier to move with me living here" he ranted and i didnt understand a word he just said. "Um" he said and before i could say anything he puulled the blindfold off. My jaw dropped. No it couldnt be. I turned to Erik to see a huge smile on his face, i jumped into his arms hugging the hell out of him. "Please tell me you didnt!" i stated as i hugged him tighter burrying my face into his neck. I looked up in time to see his smile, "i did Sara, for you" and without thinking i kissed him on the cheek. I pulled out of the hug but still holding his hand i turned back to look at the house. Could it be that Erik just bought my Grandad's house for me? 

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