Chapter 4-

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Chapter 4

Sara's Point Of VIew

We both seemed to be frozen in place until Erik came up behind Marco. "This is definitely not what it looks like" he started but Marco cut him off. "Really? because it looks like you are hiding her, i thought you were a good guy Erik not someone who would hide her when i came around or does she want to be in here waiting for you?" Marco stated and i could tell he was starting to get angry. "As for you i also thought you would be honest with me" he stated narrowing his eyes at me. I felt so small i cant believe this was the first time i hadnt been fully honest with him and he had caught me making it look like somehing it wasnt, guess i wont be a spy anytime soon right? "Marc-" i was cut off when he started talking again. "Get your things together Sara we are going home" he stated sharply and i turned to see Erik finding the carpet interesting, "Quit looking at loverboy, he isnt going to save you, now hurry up and i will see you in the car" Marco stated walking towards the door not saying another thing to Erik. I cleared my throat and started putting my things back in my bag and looked up to see Erik next to me. "Im so sorry" he sadly stated, i shook my head telling him not to apologise. "No it's not your fault its Marco's, we did nothing wrong Erik, he's just a little overprotective when it comes to me, dont worry i will sort it out. I will text you later" i said grabbing my phone and walking out the door and making my way to Marco's car.

The car ride home was silent and awkward neither of us knew what to say so we just didnt say anything. Once we arrived at the house it was time to confront Marco. I followed him into the lounge and stole the TV remote before he could turn it on and tune me out. He looked up to me with a pissed off look, "Look Marco i can promise you nothing happened today, we were just hanging out getting to know each other, it wasnt even a date for christ sake! i hid in the bedroom when we heard you and i didnt tell you because i knew you would overreact! I was hanging out with him like i hang out with you, just friends. Its not like i was going to sleep with him!" i stated and i saw Marco's eyes start to soften but then they turned cold again almost as if he remembered something. "No you probably already have" My jaw dropped and he instantly knew that i had heard what he had said. I threw the remote on the settee trying to push back the tears in my eyes, "is that all you think of me?" i asked quietly unsure if i wanted to hear the answer. He shrugged and said "You have changed Sara! You are one of those sluts we used to laugh about! One of the whores who would fuck with anything that had a pulse!" he sharply stated standing up and looking down on me. Before i could stop it a sob escaped from the back of my throat, "Of course I am! i will just be the slut that goes and lives at her Grandfathers because i sure as hell arent staying here anymore! Screw you Marco!" i stated turning on my heel and walking out of the lounge. "What am i another footballer you want to fuck?! Keep going you might get the whole team!" he demanded shouting through the hallway. I marched up to him and slapped him, i immediately saw a red mark form on his now shocked face. "No Marco. You know full well i have never slept with anyone. Its me you are talking to not one of the whores you use for a good fuck!" i stated and running up the stairs.

It had now been 3 days since i have spoken to Marco and the guys. I had buried myself in work and was focusing on spending time with my Grandad, my parents had been shocked when i told them who i was living with now but they understood when i made the excuse that Marco's was too lonely because hes always out training and stuff, they didnt need to know what really happened. I have to say i was staring to miss Marco but i still so angry at him, just as i was thinking this my phone went off the caller ID telling me it was my new boss, who was so funny and easy to get on with. I excused myself from sitting with my Grandad and answered the call "Hello" i said in my usual chirpy voice."Sara! I really need you to do something for me and i know you will love it!" Lana exclaimed making me become excited about this new project, what can i say i love my job. However the minute she started to explain my new project i wanted to hit my head against the wall, "Im not being funny Lana, but what does this have to do with a fashion magazine?" i asked hoping to point out the obvious. She giggled and said "I thought you might say this but the editor wants a wider range in the magazine. So not only will you be our own Borussia Dortmund reporter you will pick up on the fashion the players wear and have you own column on what outfits men could get to follow their idols fashion style" she finished and i could see the smile in her voice. I rolled my eyes, well isnt this bloody typical. Basically Borussia Dortmund have got a new partnership with the magazine i work for and my new job would be interviewing the players, getting to know them and the kind of style they like. I would also have to write a report on each of their games. "So what do you think?" she asked happily and i have to say if it wasnt for the fact that i had argued mith Marco i would be jumping at the job which means i cant turn a dream job down just because we arent talking can i? "I'll do it" i stated quickly and she let out a happy squeal telling me i would recieve an email from Borussia Dortmund because i would be like their press officer now because their only interviews would come out through me and the magazine, which made me slightly nervous, anyways it means that i will get an email stating when i have to meet the players in for my induction etc.

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