Chapter 14-

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 Chapter 14-

A/N so we are moving forward a few months in this chapter hope thats ok!

Sara's Point Of View

It was now November. November 1st to be exact. I have been with Erik for 4 months and our relationship was going from strength to strength. There was only one thing left to do and that was for him to meet my parents. We have tried to meet up before now but it just never worked, either myself or Erik was busy and when we were free my parents were busy. However after tonights game we would all be having dinner at my parents' house in Munich, Marco included. In fact the only way we could make this happen was the fact that Dortmund were playing Bayern today. I only mentioned it to Papa Klopp and he agreed that Erik and myself would be allowed to go but after much begging and pleading on Marcos behalf he finally allowed Marco to be able to come. I think that calmed both me and Erik down because we would have support. In the 4 months i have become close with Erik's parents, it was nice that they treated me like their own daughter. I have spoken to Lars every week and i even speak to Mario sometimes. I am still close with Sven, Mats and Marco, they were still treating me like their little sister and Papa Klopp was still acting like i was his daughter and i have to say i definitely loved my job. 

We had just arrived at the Allianz arena and we were making our way to the changing rooms, i would sit in there whilst Papa Klopp gave the team brief and then i would go and take my seat on the bench. I sat listening to Papa Klopp getting his team fired up for todays big game and i have to say i was really looking forward to it but i was also nervous, not just because of the game. I looked to Erik and he was already looking at me smiling a little but i could tell he was really anxious, i would speak to him soon. After Papa Klopp's speech i walked out of the changing room and was about to make my way down the tunnel when i heard Erik's voice call my name. I spun on my heel turning to him. "Everything ok? Oh God Did Sven run into the bench again?" i asked remembering the bruise Sven had to play with when he walked into the bench and sat with ice on it before the game had even started. Erik chuckled a little, "everythings fine and no injuries, im just worried Sara. The Boss has told me im starting but what if im not good enough and oh god the whole nation is practically going to be watching it and your parents" he started ranting and i bit myself to stop myself from laughing, he was really cute when he did this. His eyes would go wide and he would totally space out just blurting out whatever he thought. I cut him off by taking his face in my my hands, "Erik you done?" i asked smiling a little i saw his cheeks start to turn pink but he nodded anyways. "You are a great player Erik! Papa Klopp wouldnt play you unless he thought you were ready for it and you are believe me baby" i said looking into his eyes. "You are going to kick Munich ass today, forget who is watching just play your game. You can do this! Now go get changed" i said finishing my pep talk. I placed a kiss on his lips and he nodded to himself he was standing taller and prouder now. "You are perfect you know that?" he asked and i blushed. He placed a small kiss on my forehead and he made his way back into the changing room. I turned on my heel and walked out to the bench.

As i walked out of the tunnel my breath caught in my throat, the stadium was alive not that i was expecting anything else. I cannot wait for this game I know Erik ids going to play amazing i have all of my trust in him, hes an amazing player hes just got to believe in himself sometimes. I heard someone call my name and i looked to the the man sitting on the seat in the corner of the crowd. He was wearing a Dortmund jersey and i immediately knew who it was. "Daddy!" I exclaimed running over to him and although the advertising board was separating us i still leant over and gave him a hug. "You ready for this?" i exclaimed excitedly and he laughed at my enthusiasm. "Of course i am Princess!" He answered just as happily. I turned to see the players running out on to the  pitch ready to start the game. I turned to the dugout to see Papa Klopp looking at me confused, i waved at him to come over quickly while the players were shaking hands. He came over and smiled in his usual happy Papa Klopp way. "Daddy meet Papa Klopp, Papa Klopp meet my Dad" i introduced them and they started talking i had to laugh because my Dad was in shock. He was meeting one of his idols and i found it quite amusing. The players were now shaking hands and i excused myself to go and take my seat. "Wait Sara please tell me you arent going to leave a member of the family sitting here" Papa Klopp exclaimed shocked and i looked at him confused not knowing what he meant. He turned to the nearest steward and ordered for him to let my Dad come and sit with us on the bench. I honestly thought Dad was going to pass out in shock, "Welcome to the Family Thomas" Papa Klopp stated happily walking back to his seat. Dad sat down and i sat on the end, i looked to see Erik playing on the near side to us. He was already looking at me and i smiled widely to him putting my thumb up to him, he winked at me and made a heart with his hands. I made a heart back and Dad made me laugh when he nudged me saying "stop distracting him we need to win" jokingly, Papa Klopp heard this and laughed along "young kids these days huh?" he said rolling his eyes playfully. I pouted but soon laughed along with them. 

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