Chapter 17-

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Chapter 17-

Marco's Point Of View

It has now been two weeks since Sara went missing, everyone has been so worried i have spoken to her parents everyday checking to see if they had heard anything. If i ever met the guys that caused this i swear to God i will kill them. I was pacing up and down my hallway when i heard a knock on the door, thinking it was one of the guys i walked slowly trying to calm down. As i reahed the door i saw through the pane of glass that it was a girl, i threw the door open and my eyes widened in shock at who was stood infront of me. "Sara!" i exclaimed wanting to cry with happiness. I looked her over and she looked a mess she took a step forward and i opened my arms waiting for a hug. I had to catch her quick as she passed out in front of me, i wasted no time to call an ambulence and as i was waiting for it i quickly called her Mum and Dad, who said they were going to drive straight up. I told them i would stay with her, i had just got my little sister back no one is taking her away from me. 

I was sat in the back of the ambulence and i glanced at my watch to see that i was meant to be at training, i scolded myself but i knew The Boss would let me off with the circumstances. When we arrived at the hospital i followed Sara who was laying on a bed and the doctors took her to a room closeing the door behind them, asking me if i could stay in the relatives room. I took a seat in the room and sat tapping my foot on the floor, I quickly pulled my phone out of my pocket dialling the number. "Hallo Marco, why arent you at training?" The Boss' stern voice came through my phone and i felt my throat go dry, i didnt know what to say. I cant say shes ok, if she was i wouldnt be sat in a hopsital waiting room. "It''s Sara, she showed up at my door looking a mess Boss. She collapsed in my arms so i called an ambulence we are at the hospital" I explained the story to him and i could tell he was worried. He started asking all of these questions that i didnt know the answer to she hadnt even spoke when she was on my door step. "Ok Marco i will be there soon" He stated and with that he hung up the phone.

I sat with my head against the wall, my eyes shut tightly trying to get rid of the thoughts in my head, I had been sat here for 2 hours. "Sir, are you with Sara?" A doctor came into the room and my eyes instantly opened when i heard her name mentioned. I jumped up nodding wildly "She had been beaten quite bad, we had to operate which went successful. She will be in pain for a little while until her stomach heals but she will be fine" he explained and as soon as i heard the last sentence a big smile appeared on my face. She was going to be ok, i shook the doctors hand and he excused himself to check on another patient telling me i can see Sara when i am ready. I quickly phoned her Mum and Dad letting them know what happened and they were relieved, they were nearly here. I knocked a little on the door and opened it a little sticking my head through the door. I saw her laying on her bed still asleep so i made my way over to the chair taking her hand in mine. "I missed you Sary" I started and i smiled a little knowing that she was definitely going to be ok. 

After talking to a very much asleep Sara for a while the door opened slightly and i saw the familiar face of the Boss. "How is she doing?" he asked coming through the door closing it quietly. I told him everything the doctor had said and he had a smile on his face, "Marco? Papa Klopp? Where am i?" we turned to where the croaky voice came from and my eyes met Sara's blue ones. They were filled with confusion and pain and whilst i explained everything to her she sat patiently and nodded. "Do you remember anything Sary?" I asked her still looking straight into her eyes. She nodded and burst out crying i held her hand and pulled her into a hug being careful due to her stomach. Then she told everything that happened, it turns out that the men had been caught, she had flown back with a German policeman and he dropped her off at mine. The kidnappers were now in prison in Spain. 

Sara's Point Of View

It was so good to be back home, ok so maybe not in the hospital back home, but even this place was better in comparison to the place i was held in Spain. I was listening to Papa Klopp and Marco fill me in with what had been going on in the last couple of weeks. I laughed at a couple of the things they were telling me but i couldnt help but notice that neither of them mentioned Erik. I was about to ask how he was when my parents walked in, my Dad running straight over to me and pulling me in for a hug, my mum doing the same soon after. We all sat talking for a little while longer and i found out that my parents would have to go home again this evening, when Papa Klopp stood up "if your parents are leaving this evening i will leave so you can have time with them, i will come back and visit you tonight" he said smiling brightly. I nodded and thanked him as he said to take care and said goodbye to my parents.

Nothing really happened whilst my parents were here we all just talked and once again i was confused as to why no one had mentioned Erik. I was now saying goodbye to them and Marco had just come back from getting some food. He promised my parents to look after me, making me roll my eyes because honestly? i dont need looking after. Soon after my parents left Marco cleared his throat, "Sara do you feel up to visitors?" he asked hesitant and i turned to face him excited. I hadnt seen everyone in what seemed like forever so i nodded eagerly. "Ok wait there" he said motioning for me to stay with his hand as he walked out the door. I rolled my eyes at him, really? where the hell was i going to move to! 

Marco was gone for about 5 minutes when he came back in and following closely behind him was "Mats, Sven, Lars and Mario" I smiled to them and i could see them all happy that i was here. "Sara we missed you" Sven stated upset as he walked over to me. I took his hand and squeezed it reassuringly, "im back now though so dont worry, you wont lose me again" I said reassuringly and he smiled sitting next to my bed. I greeted the other guys and after a little while we went back to being like our normal selves, banter and jokes were flying around suddenly i looked at Sven to see him glaring at me. I raised an eyebrow at him questioning his look, "i will get revenge on you at Manu by the way" he stated and i thought back to when we drew on his and Thomas' faces. I burst out laughing but soon stopped letting out a litttle scream. "Sara you ok?!" Mats and Marco asked at the same time as Lars and Sven had jumped up running to the door. I giggled lighter nodding, these guys really looked after me. "Guys im fine, i just guess i shouldnt laugh that hard after having an operation" i stated putting my hand on my stomach. Everyone calmed down again and the twins sat back down. "Sara not wishing to sound rude but from the way you are sitting it looks like you are expecting a baby" Mario said gesturing to my hand that was sat on my stomach. I quickly took my hand off and i thought back to when Erik had dinner at my parents house. Marco realised the minute i turned to look at him, his eyes softened and i could tell nothing good would come from this conversation.

"Marco why isnt he here?" i asked looking into his eyes. He looked at the guys and it was as if they were having a silent conversation, i was getting annoyed and they could tell. "Oh for fucks sake i will tell her shall i?" Sven asked annoyed and i was shocked at his sudden mood change. Marco went to stop him but i glared at him. "She needs to know" Sven simply said and ithe guys all nodded. "Do you remember the note that you left at the hotel?" Sven and i just nodded not wanting to think of it again. "Well Erik didnt believe it at first but after a couple of days he lost it, he went out drinking every night all of the guys even from the national team tried getting im not to but he carried on"  He paused and gave me a sorry look. He turned to look at each of the guys who were all trying to avoid eye contact, Marco took hold of my hand squeezing it a little, making me turn to him "Sara, i went to see him and he had slept with another girl, quite a few of them actually..." he trailed off and i felt my heart drop. I smiled with tears in my eyes, i could see all of the guys feeling guilty, "its ok guys, dont be guilty. I guess we just werent meant to be" I stated but my voice cracked on the last part and the tears fell. Could It Be that Erik had walked out on me when i needed him the most? 

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