Chapter 15-

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Chapter 15-

A/N Enjoy!

Sara's Point Of View

I sat next with Erik to my left and my dad on my right, next to him and opposite me sat Marco and next to him was where my Mum sat. The conversation was light and amusing and i loved every moment of it, i couldnt get rid of the huge smile that was on my face. To know that my parents approved of my boyfriend was the best thing ever. I looked up to see both Erik and Marco looking at each other with narrowed eyes, i turned to my parents to see them both with amused smiles on their faces. "Guys?" i asked hesitantly and neither of them took their eyes off each other. "They both want the last piece of cake, who do you think will break first?" my Mum explained happily and i had to stop myself from giggling. "It's good to finally see Marco working for his dinner" Dad teased Marco who turned to look at him shocked. Mum and me burst out laughing as Erik pounced on the cake putting it on his plate. "Im only joking son" Dad said to Marco who smiled widely and turned back to see Erik eating away. Marco's eyes went wide as Erik sat paying attention to his food. "What?! You tricked me Dad! Now look, are you favouriting the newbie?" Marco exclaimed towards Dad and me and Mum looked at each other trying to not laugh again, I had tears in my eyes from trying to hold my laugh in. "Of course i am! If Erik is healthy i will get Grandchildren sooner!" Dad exclaimed happily at the time i took a sip of my glass of wine. I started choking and felt myself going red, I turned to see Erik with a faint blush too. "Dad!" I scolded after choking, when i looked up him and Marco were laughing their heads off. Mum had totally zoned out looking at the kitchen cupboards, I waved my hand in front of her eyes and she snapped out of her trance. "Why were you zoning out Mum?" Marco asked after throwing a smirk at me and Erik who had finished the food and was sat back his arm around the back of my chair. "Your kids will be so adorable!" Mum said happily clapping her hand together turning towards us. I turned away from her wanting to miss this discussion. "I have to say a little Sara and a little Erik would be adorable" Marco fuelled the conversation still smirking at us. 

After finally getting everyone-yes everyone even Erik- to shut up about having kids we made our way into the front room. I sat inbetween Erik and Marco, who was still sulking about not getting the last piece of cake. I looked at the time and i pouted little, "have you seen the time?" I asked quietly to the guys they simultaneously checked their watches and both gave me sad looks. "Mum, Dad we need to head off now. Its international break and the guys have to get to the airport" i explained and my parents nodded not letting it phase them due to the fact they were used to it with Marco. We all stood up and started saying goodbye, when we got to the door i pulled my Mum into a hug "I love you Mum" I whispered to her and she whispered she that she loves me back. I pulled out of the hug and turned to Dad who was smiling widely at me, "Come here" he demanded and i ran into his open arms hugging him tightly "I love you Princess" he said squeezing me a little before pulling out of the hug. I smiled at him "I love you too Dad" I replied happily and turned back to the guys. Erik grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers, once again we said bye and heading towards the waiting car. "Sara!" i heard Mum call. I spun on my heel pulling Erik with me because our hands were still connected, "Dont forget what i said in the kitchen earlier" She said and i knew she was reffering to when she said that i need to enjoy every moment. I nodded and turned back to Erik, "please tell me she doesnt want us to actually have kids yet?" He asked shyly and i laughed. He didnt know what she was on about, I shook my head simply saying "No its something else dont worry". He nodded and we all climbed into the car, which drove towards the hotel as we waved goodbye. 

When we arrived at the hotel and i prepared myself to say goodbye to the guys. As i mentioned before it was internationals break, so i would be going home to Dortmund whilst the guys would be going to Spain to play them. I walked up to the reception desk to get my key so i could grab my things, "Miss, this was left for you by Mr Klopp" the receptionist said as she kept sneaking a look at Erik, checking him out. I took the letter and felt Erik put his arm around my shoulder, "Whats that babe?" he asked and i looked up to see the receptionist roll her eyes and go back to work. I opened the letter to see a note:

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