Chapter 8-

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Chapter 8-

Sara's Point Of View

It was the day after the game, my first day back at work, normally i wouldnt want to go back even if it was just after a holiday but i was looking forward to it. The guys had all shown how much they care about people in this club, i mean why wouldnt i want to go back. I quickly got dressed in my peach blouse and black pencil skirt grabbing my bag and heading down to the hallway. I pulled on my dolly shoes and walked to the door checking my make up once more, it was only a light amount of make up. I quickly secured my hair into the band i had tied it with earlier and with that i turned to the door. "Marco im leaving see you at work" i called out and heard him shout a goodbye back. I opened the door and made my way out to my car, I put my bag in the passenger seat and made my way to work. 

When i arrived i parked in my reserved parking space, grabbing my bag i got out and made my way to reception. I pulled my pass out and swiped it to enter and made my way straight to the elevator saying a 'hi' to everyone who spoke to me. I heard the elevator ding and the doors opened and i stepped in pressing the 1 button to go up to my floor. Just as the doors were about to close and hand stopped the door, i looked up to meet the familiar eyes. I looked down to the floor and stepped to the side so that he could get in. "Hallo Sara" he said in his usual shy but cheery voice, i turned to him to see him have a smile on his face. "Hallo Erik" i said equally enthusiastic making him smile wider. He pressed the 1 button aswell and my eyebrows furrowed, "doesn't training start later today?" i asked straight to the point. Erik took a second to answer, "It does indeed i just thought i would bring you this" he moved his arm and held up a coffee cup, which i hadnt noticed before. Before i could reply the elevator dinged to say we had reached the first floor. Erik motioned for me to go first and i did, leading the way to my office which overlooked  the training pitches. I unlocked my office and opened the door wide, this was the first time i had been here and my eyes went wide, it was so bare! The room was quite big it had a printer set in the left far corner of the room and a bookshelf on the right. My desk was in the middle with a computer set and there was a tray with player profiles and my schedule in it. i walked over at sat in the comfy chair. I did the first thing that came to my mind and spun around and giggled to myself. It wasnt till i heard him chuckle that i remembered that Erik was there i stopped spinning luckily with my back to him. I froze and i could feel the blush tinting my cheeks. I slowly turned to face him to realise that he had now made himself comfortable in the chair opposite me. 

Me and Erik had sat talking for an hour and he was literally one of the sweetest guys ever. He stood up making my full attention turn from the player profiles in front of me, to him. "I have to get to training now but i will see you at lunch right?" he checked and i gave him a nod with a big smile. "Great i will look forward to it" he said as he leaned over my desk placing a kiss on my cheek. I immediately blushed and gave him a wave as he said bye and walked out of my door, with the big smile on my face i spun around on my chair again now taking a look out of the window and over the pitches. The windows went right from the ceiling to the floor, i could see everything. I could see a couple of the players already out on he pitch and i could see The Boss setting things out ready for the session. Just as i looked to him he must have sensed because he looked up to my office and sent a wave, which of course i returned. I noticed he put the cones down and starting jogging up the steps that end on the same level as my office, i undid the door that was in the corner of the room, it lead straight out onto the small setup of seats, i guess this would be a nice place to do an interview. "Sara! it is great to have you back!" The Boss stated when he reached the door which i stood at. I smiled and replied with "Its great to be back sir". His eyebrows furrowed a little "now Sara i know the guys call me 'The Boss' but you can call me what you want"he said smiling at me, i nodded letting him know but my breath got caught in my throat making me choke a little. Jurgen followed my eyes to see what they were focused on and he let out a loud laugh "Sara you should get used to guys doing that" he stated and i nodded once again, blushing that he had caught me staring at a shirtless Erik. A couple of the other guys came out shirtless but i couldn't take my eyes of Erik, Good lord! I never thought his body could be that fine! Once again Jurgen burst out laughing but this time he was doubled over clutching his stomach, why is he laughing? I looked around me and realised what had happened, "i said that last bit out loud didnt i?" i muttered quietly and Jurgen struggled out a "yes inbetween laughs" I blushed again but laughed anyways. I stood talking with Jurgen for a few minutes longer before he excused himself to go back to training. I was just about to shut the door when i heard him call my name, i spun around and without warning he called out "Don't worry i wont tell Erik" at the sound of Jurgen shouting the team all paid attention to him then looked up at me Erik paying more attention because his name was mentioned. My eyes went wide and my jaw dropped making Jurgen laugh harder, i turned to see a very confused looking Erik and i sent a wave and turned around closing the door. 

I had sat and read all of the players profiles and let me tell you what a bunch we have here! I sat with my head on my desk thinking of a fun interview i could do as an introduction to the new season. My mind could only focus on one thing though, my chair. Let me tell you it seemed comfortable but the more i sat in it the more i realised that no one had moved the back rest and now i have a back pain. I fiddled with the handles under the chair that said they adjust the back one. I pulled out from under the desk turning sideways and pulled a handle and much to my annoyance it was the wrong one, the one i pulled moved the bottom of the seat, making me fling to the floor. 

Erik's Point Of View

We were having a 10 minute break when i wondered what Sara was doing, i just happened to look up into her office to see her shoot off her chair onto the floor. It took everything i had not to laugh, without noticing anyone was watching she got up smoothing down her skirt, which made she made look perfect, and sat back on the chair. Holding a handle up she pushed back but it didnt move a centimeter, Mats nudged my shoulder and i hmm'd? as a response not wanting to take my eyes off of her. "We are all watching her" i looked to my left to see most of the guys looking up at her office. I chuckled to myself and turned my attention back to the office. Sara was now behind the chair pulling the back rest back and she quickly pushed the handle down before it could go back to its original place. She took her seat once again and pulled the second handle hoping to move the bottom but it moved the backrest again. "Erik, go and help her!" Jurgen interrupted holding a laugh and i bit my lip to stop myself from laughing. I jogged up the steps to her office and gently knocked on the door. 

Sara's Point Of View

i heard a light knock on the door and turned to see Erik standing there, i quickly left the devil chair as i decided to call it and went to the door opening it. "Hey Erik" i stated smoothly as if i hadnt been fighting a chair for the past 10 minutes. "Sit down Sara" Erik stated biting his lip which made him even hotter, my eyes widened he knew about the devil chair. "How did you-" he cut me off by pointing out to the pitch where at least 10 of the guys were stood watching. "Ugh, I dont weigh enough to push the back rest back as well as the bottom of the chair Erik! i swear its like devil chair!" i exclaimed as i kicked the leg, immediately regretting it due to the fact that it went straight through my dolly shoe and bent my toe back. I let out a slight whimper biting my lip, I sat down on the stupit chair like Erik said and he messed about with the handles until he got the chair position right. "Is that better" he whispered in my ear and i bit my lip trying not to blush because of how close he was, I nodded unable to talk and i heard him take a breath, "unless you want me to kiss you now in front of everyone you should stop biting your lip" he gently stated, his lips brushing my ear slightly. It took a minute for it to sink in what he had said i smirked, i turned to him and bit my lip. I know for a fact he won't kiss me in front of his team mates, we hadnt had our first date yet. "Well i guess we should show them you are mine" he whispered keeping eye contect with me and before i had chance to question him he had placed his lips upon mine. The kiss only lasted for a few seconds but it was powerful, it sent shocks through me and i could feel my lips tingling as he pulled away. He walked to the door and stopped brushing a bit of hair behind my ear "I will see you at lunch beautiful" he whispered keeping eye contact with me the whole time. I was a bout to nod but i looked behind Erik to see the guys waving, i nudged Erik and he turned to meet the guys whistling at us. "Erik i said fix her chair not her lips!" yep you guessed it that one was from Jurgen. Erik laughed turning back to me "I will pick you up 6 o'clock tonight for our date, dress casual" i nodded and he placed a kiss on my cheek, making the guys whistle again. He turned and ran down the steps back onto the training pitch being met with punches on the arm from his team mates even Marco. Could It Be that i totally underestimated Erik Durm? 

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