Chapter 18-

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Chapter 18- 

A/N Enjoy!

Erik's Point Of View

I was just getting changed after training and i could tell that the guys were wanting to say something. The other day Marco didnt show up to training and then the Boss left after getting a phone call. Then the next day all of the guys were happy and back to the way they were when Sara was here. My hert dropped at the thought of her, i cant believe she left me in Spain. If she didnt want to be with me then she could have just said, then the fact that all of the guys fell for it really pissed me off. They werent happy to see me drinking everynight and about the fact that i was sleeping with so many girls, but i had to get Sara out of my mind somehow, not that all of this worked. My parents were furious about the way i was acting but to be honest i really didnt care. Whats the point of caring or loving people they only hurt you in the end anyways. "Erik we need to talk" Sven stated not taking a no for an answer. He motioned to follow him and i followed him to the side of the pitch i guess he wanted to talk in private. "Sara's home" he stated and i shot him a look of disgust, trying to mask the fact that my heart nearly jumped out of my chest. "She's in hospital, she had an operation because she was so badly injured in Spain" he paused letting it sink in. "None of this was made up Erik, i would say if you want proof then go and see her but dont. We told her what you have been getting up to and shes heartbroken. I think its best if you stay away from her and from Marco's house because she will be home today. We are having a welcome home party so don't show up and ruin it please" he explained and i refused to make eye contact. I felt sick, i cant believe this was all real and i just turned my back on her. "I can tell you still love her Erik, thats why i told you. But if you leave her then leave her alone, atleast until she is better and we get her heart fixed" Sven finished by getting up and walking back towards the changing room. I stood up with tears in my eyes finally realising how much of a dick i had been. It hurts me to know that she is hurt, but it has killed me to know that it was me that hurt her the most.

Marco's Point Of View

I was on my way to the hospital to get Sara, i cant wait to see her face when she walks in and all of the guys are there to surprise her. I still havent spoken to Erik even though Sara said she wanted me to because she didnt want it to effect the team but to be honest even the boss is being short with him. I lightly knocked on the door and i heard Sara say come in, when i walked in i felt like i had gone back to the time when she had broken her arm when she was little. She was sat on the end of the bed swinging her legs back and forth with a big smile on her face. I laughed to myself and made my way over to her side as she jumped off the bed, she was in alot less pain now with her stomach but she still needs to rest. "You ready?" i checked and she nodded eagerly, i guess she was happy to finally get home. I picked up her bags and we headed out of the door saying goodbye to the doctors and nurses that had helped. 

Sara's Point Of View

On the way home me and Marco went back to the old days when we would do nothing but tease each other and i have to say it was finally good to have some "Marcy and Sary time" as he liked to put it. We pulled up the drive and i looked at the house that i loved to call home, I waited for Marco to grab my bags and we made our way up the steps and to the front door. He handed me the keys and i opened the door, taking a step in looking at the floor. I looked up and jumped out of my skin jumping into Marco's arms. "Sven Bender! What the hell are you doing standing in the hallway staring at the door?" i demanded and he shrugged running up to me giving me a hug. I let him off and we made our way to the living room. "Mats!" I exclaimed seeing him sat on the settee, i gave him a hug which he returned straight away. Marco came into the room and smiled, "i think i am going to go and get changed" I said gesturing to my dress. I rolled my eyes at Marco's teasing comments and made my way out of the room quickly going into the kitchen to get a drink. When i got in there Mario and Lars stood holding a cake that said 'It's good to have you back' I giggled at their cheekiness. I made them put the cake down then pulled them in for a hug each. I excused myself and made my way up the stairs.  

When i reached my room i noticed that nothing had moved, i smiled and made my way over to my bed laying down on it, I laid there for a minute staring up at the ceiling. I got up about 5 minutes after and pulled my dress off, i made my way over to my wardrobe opening the doors, "AHHHHHHHH OH MY GOD!" i screamed when i saw Manu, Philipp, Thomas and Basti smiling back at me. Marco appeared at my door seconds later and burst out laughing, "You gave me a heart attack i cant believe you are here!" i stated happily, i noticed Manu blushing and the rest avoiding eye contact then i realised i was only in my underwear. "Oh my gosh get out now! i will see you downstairs" i demanded and they all nodded embarrassed and made their way to my door. I got changed into my BVB shirt and track bottoms and made my way down the stairs into the front room. I literally put one foot in the door and all of the guys burst out laughing,so Marco had obviously told them. I rolled my eyes and went to sit in between Lars and Manu. "Your scar doesnt look too bad" Manu whispered to me and i nodded a little, to be honest it doesnt look that bad.  

We were all joking around and having fun as the night went on more of the BVB guys showed up. In fact im pretty sure that even Papa Klopp was here somewhere. I was walking around mingling with people when i heard Marco shouting something, i turned my attention to him along with everyone and he started talking. "Now i just want to say im really glad you are home Sary" he cringed at calling me that infront of everyone. "Anyways, Sara we know you have been through a lot but i just want to tell you how much you mean to all of us, you are like our little sister and its great to have you home!" he finished and i felt someone put their hand on my shoulder i turned to see Lars and Manu standing there smiling widely at me. Marco walked up and i pulled them all in for a hug "I am so glad to have you guys" i stated and they all smiled at me. 

Later that night i was sat in my room having a break from the party, "you hiding from us?" Someone asked and i turned to see Manu standing at my door.I laughed a little shaking my head, "no just having a break, i would never hide from you guys" i said and he smiled. "You can come in if you want" I stated softly and he smiled walking in and sat beside me on the end of my bed. We both lid back staring up at the ceiling, "i have an offer for you" Manu stated and i turned my head to the side looking at him. "I want you to come and stay in Munich for a while, so we can bond. By we i mean me and the Munich lads" he said and i thought about it. I would be able to stay with my parents and spend some time with them. "How long for?" i asked and he shrugged looking back at me. He smiled a little and sat up pulling me in for a hug. "for how long you want" he finished. I thought about it thinking that the only downside would be missing the BVB guys but i would still come and see them and it wouldnt be forever. Also there would be no chance of bumping into Erik... Could It Be that i am running away from the guy i once loved and still love?

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