The Real Problem

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We all rushed into the USJ, expecting to see a lot of students in need of help, but at first they seemed fine.

Then something happened.

I don't know what but.. someone tapped my shoulder.

"Hello? Is anyone there?
It's pitch black.. I can't see anything."

"Y/n!! Help me!"


I started running.. I could see him. My heart pounding out of my chest. He's in trouble and I can't see. I try reading someone's mind for a hint.. but nothing. I can't see, I can't feel anything, I can't hear, smell, taste.


I'm still running, gasping for air. I choke on the dryness of my throat.

What the hell? Is this someone's quirk???

I have to stop for air. It's like I've been running for half an hour. He's only getting farther, like someone's stretching the ground.

I fell. I fell hard, too.

I don't know why, no one's around to push me and I was perfectly balanced. I just fell.

My knees were burning, so I looked down.

Great.. my knees are scraped.
As if I needed that.

I get up and yell to Tenya again.

No answer.

I yell again, still no answer.

I use my quirk to read his mind, but I can't. My head hurts, worse than ever, and I curl up on the ground.

No no no! Get up! This is no time to stop y/n!

I yell at myself. I'm not controlling myself. I feel a warn, yet cool streak down my face. I'm crying... Over what?

Tenya.. I failed you. My knees are scraped, I can't use my quirk, and I can't run to you. I love you.

This isn't my voice. It's a man's voice, or a really deep woman's voice. I don't know what to do. And then I realize something.

"Where am I?" I say, sitting up in a bed.

I look around. I'm in recovery girl's office. Tenya is next to me, starting to smile from relief.

"A villain used their quirk to make you pass out and put nasty thoughts into your mind. He disabled your quirk when you passed out." Recovery Girl informed me.

"I'm just glad your ok." Tenya admitted.

"Oh, yeah... Wait what about the USJ?" I asked, panicking.

"The pros are taking care of it. They may even be done by now. It's been around an hour since we got here." He replied.

"Then who brought me here?" I asked. After that I realized the answer was obvious.

"I carried you. I ran so fast that I fell and dropped you. I scraped your knees. I'm sorry, y/n, I was just trying to-"

"That's where that came from.."

"What?" He asked, confused

"While I was unconscious, I had a dream. I heard you yell help.. and started running for you. It was like the world was getting bigger and bigger by the second. No matter how fast or far I ran, I couldn't get to you. Then I fell. That's where I got the falling part."

I continued with the story.

"And at the end, before I woke up, I was thinking. But it wasn't my voice. It said
'Tenya.. I failed you. My knees are scraped, I can't use my quirk, and I can't run to you. I-'"
I stopped.
I realized that voice told me that I loved Tenya.

"You what?" He asked.

I looked into his eyes. I just realized how beautiful they were. Their sharp blue color was enough to kill someone. His glasses were the perfect model for his face, like they were sculpted for his specifically. His nose was a beautiful shape. He looked so mature, yet youthful.

You know those dreams where you have a crush on someone you never liked that way before and when you wake up, you love them? It was like that.

"I.. uh.. I wish I was better!" I said, panicking.

What? I wasn't just gonna be blunt and say I love you straight away. You have to make sure you really love them.

"Oh.. y/n, don't listen to that voice. It's not you. You're perfect."

I blushed. What do you say to someone saying you're perfect? Thanks?

"Uh.. thanks" I said, smiling a little.

"Tenya, you should go on home. Y/n needs to rest." Recovery Girl said, motioning towards the door.

"Yes ma'am." Tenya said, standing up, "You stay rested, ok? I don't want anything bad happening to you."

I looked back at him and smiled, "Oh, don't worry about me. I'll be fine"

"You better." He joked, leaving the room.

I turned onto my side.

God, he's perfect...

I finally dosed off to sleep. I didn't have anyone corrupting my dreams, so I slept well.

Only dreams of Tenya and me.

I Know You're Gonna Run// Tenya Iida X Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now