TWO : Competition and Leaving home

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A/n: sorry about being really lengthy but I wanted to get both the competition and Florenity going to her new home in one chapter.


As Danielle got off the phone she smiled widely and I just had to kiss that adorable face.

"She's gonna be here! Vic, she's gonna be here this weekend!"

A little confused I backed up and scrunched my eyebrows together.

"I thought Riley said the papers aren't finalized until next Friday?"

Danielle giggled and rolled her eyes.

"No, dork, I meaning she has a dance competition here this weekend and Riley has said she would be more than willing to take us. We could go surprise her! She's only ever talked to us over phone and has only met me through FaceTime. That, and I would love to be there and see her dance in person. That and while we're waiting on the paper's to be finalised, she's staying with us."

"Ohhhhh" I said realising and I laughed with Danielle at my own confusion.

Well, looks like we're going to a dance competition.



On Friday morning before we got on the bus, I ran the younger group dance with them and made sure to clean it before we had to leave. I got on and sat in between Alex and Zader and Alice sat on my lap because she's a weirdo.

We were riding the bus to the airport, then when we arrived in Cali, we were going to get a rental bus and Miss Jackson had already set up with another studio to allow us to use their building to practice while we were in Cali.

Conviently, it was the studio that I would be transferring to when I move.

Getting through the airport was surprisingly easy, even though we had 10 eight year old, very tired, very cranky, little girls with us.

The problem arose however, when we landed and needed to wake them up.

Two of them just fell back asleep when Alex and Zader picked them up,
But the other 8 all fought with us and whined as we grabbed their hands and walked with them off the plane.

After we got all of our bags and loaded onto the rental bus, the driver smiled at me like me carrying 3 bags plus an 8 year old on my back was comedy gold. Delphine announced she was exhausted and needed caffeine or she was going to die of dehydration.

So of course we headed to starbucks, where else?

Delphine, Elise, Alice, Gemini, Tara, Alex, and I all headed in singing some random song from 2007 off key and out of sync at way too early in the morning.

There was a few others I could tell were there for the dance comp as they were wearing jackets with various studio names on them. One girl with curly auburn hair came up to me with a huge grin.

"Hey, I've seen you at competitions before, you're a really good dancer."

I smiled and thanked her and she went back to her friends.

"That was kinda weird. Never had that happen, huh"

Gemini laughed and patted my shoulder.

"You should get used to it, you've gotten so much better since last season"

I rolled my eyes but thanked her anways, noticing it was now my turn.

I ordered what I usually get, just a simple grande Caramel Machito, replacing the vanilla syrup with raspberry syrup, and a cinnamon raisin bagel with chocolate hazelnut butter spread.

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