chapter 1

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things got really hard after alice moved. i was now in year nine, she was to, only she was still a million miles away. at first we were using email and other sites to conatact eachother. but after a while it just didnt work, we woulldnt check our emails or we wouldnt reply. i asked her to get facebook but that didnt work, it was depressing.

i was on facebook talking to my friend, and going off at jake, he became a real bitch after she left. but that was besides the point. i refreshed the page and i had a friend request. i assumed it was from one of my sisters frineds like always, but it wasnt. it read 'Alice' this was fantastic. and amazing. and. just. wow.

we started talking alot more now that we had something we use everyday. we were best friends again, now we deffinitely couldnt drift apart, yay. we were talking 24/7. she introduced me to one of her friends, carlos. he was great. i decieded to return the favour and introduce them to one of my friends, trent. and our friendship escalated quickly. we had a group chat and we talked everyday. i didnt realise how much i had in common with these people. and it was great.

i ididnt really have any friends at home, trent was from a different town so even that didnt work well. these people were my frineds. our fantastic group of three. and we all loved japanese stuff, anime, speach, everything. i had never had such great friends in my life. it was one of the happiest times of my life.

 we talked everyday and it was great, as soon as i got home from school i would talk to them. mainly because i had no friends at home to talk to, so they were all i had. after a while, i had developed some feelings for carlos, he was the most amazing person i had ever met. alice also had a crush on this guy, zane, she picked a good one, he was really cute and apparently very nice. we talked everyday about our crushes and them, and one day she told me how carlos had a crush on her, he had asked her out once but she rejected him but he didnt give up. that did crush me, i had no idea and i now i knew that he would never like me. but i had hope he might.

alice and i had an agreement, on the friday coming up, we would ask eachothers crushes out for eachother, only since i didnt know zane, i couldnt do that for her. but when she asked carlos for me, he just said he still liked her. and that made me feel horrible, our love triangle was destine to just be a triangle. which was sad, but i could live with that. 

alice and i often talked about how we could get zane to like her, it was so much fun. like in middle school when we would stalk our crush. i enjoyed giving people advice, it made me feel special. it was great when zane started getting nervous around her. it might seem bad, but it wasnt like, i hate you nervous, it was an, i like you, kind of nervous. 

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