Part 2 - Chapter 3

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"what, what happened!" alice shouted.
"dont worry it was proably just a mouse haha" i joked.
"no guys im serious! this is freaking me out!" he yelled.
"well then what the fuck is it?!" i demanded standing up in frint of him.
"...theres... someone in the garden.." he whispered.
"your fucking kidding right.. tis proabably a cat or something."

we walked outside, me in front and carlos at the back. we heard a rustling in one fo the bushes. i walked up to it while staring at carlos.

"oh wow. theres nothing here now is there. ya pussy."

all of a sudden something big rose out of the bush. it was in a shadow so i couldnt make out what it was. but nevertheless i stepped backwards, walking into alice. the big figure moved forward into the glow of the street light. it was in fact a person. wearing a white jump suit, with, with.. blood? splatted on it. and a hockey mask... and.. and a CHAINSAW!!!

"holy fuck!"

i turned around and ran towards the house. when i got to the door i twisted the nob, but it was locked. shit shit shit. alice and carlos were at the door now to and the phyco was coming up the stairs. we are trapped. crap.  he was right up close now and i could feel the body heat. the chainsaw was raised and. and then he grabbed the mask and took it off.  your fucking kidding me. your fucking shitting me!  it was in fact trent.


"what are you doing here in the middle of a semster trent?"
"well. thats why im here. i lost my scholarship to UQ."
"yeah. so instead im coming to USC with you guys. i was planning on it to start with but then i got a scholarship to UQ. so. here i am!"
"back up. what did  you do to lose your scholarship. your major is music right?"
"yeah. but i kinda broke my guitar. like. really badly. and i couldnt afford a new one so they kicked me out."
"how did you break your guitar?"
"well... i just got a new couch and my friend was helping me bring it to my dorm. but he failed to realise the guitar was on the floor and the couch went right on top of it."
"well shit."

i got off the couch and got some he really scrwed up bad. we all sat in the louge room watching how i met your mother. we were all eating in silence but you could tell that something was up from the vibe. it was an awkward silence.

"well i'll get you some bedding and you can stay in the spare room" i got up and put my dishes in the sink.
"thanks." trent got up to.

i grabbed some sheets, a blanket and a pillow out of the cupboard in the hall. i opened the door to the spare room and dust emerged from everywhere. the spare room was barely ever used. all that was in it was a bed and a dresser with a lamp. and now someone was going to live in it, wow.

i honestly didnt expect this to happen, the semester still had six weeks left and ussually trent came at the end of each semester. what a turn out. we would now have to split the rent again. now instead of 125 each ot would have to be 100 each. that was a good thing though.


i looked over my shoulder at he clock, its 10 already? my art class tomorrow starts at 9 so i have an extra hour to sleep before i have to go. then i have mathematics and phycology befroe lunch. afterwoods i have chemistry and physics before im finshed for the day.

"alright guys im going to bed, i have a class at 9 and want to sleep till at least 8. if any of you wake me up your dead. got it?"
"yes mam!" they all shouted together.
"whatever, night." 

i walked down the hall and went to my room, shuttign the door behind me. i went over to my dresser and got changed into my pjs before sitting on the queen sized bed. i slipped off my shoes and lay flat on my bed staring at the roof. just thinking. not even about anything importanat. about the past.

what if i hadnt talked to Q that night. what if i hadnt forgiven him. or forgiven myslef more like. what if he hadnt told me that night. what if he had waited till the start of the year. what would i have done. what if alice hadnt ever given carlos a chance. what if they stayed just friends. what if alice stayed with her rich boyfriend. what if i had given bruce a chance. what if. what if none of this ever happened. would all this be different if one thing was changed. what about trent. what if he had stayed at UQ. what if all of us didnt get to go to the smae uni. what if i never saw alice again from the time she left when i was a just a girl. i could feel tears forming in my eyes and i wiped them away with my pillow. all of a sudden the door opened slowly. Q walked in and shut the door behind him. laying o the bed next to me.

"whats wrong jenny?"
"huh, nothing." i said while wiping away a few tears.
"i can tell when your lying."
"i was just thinking."
"about what."
"about the past. what if i didnt talk to you that night. what if we stayed fighting. what if i never spoke to you. more importantly, what if you never spoke to me. i never told you but, the reason i didnt answer your calls wasnt becuase i was angry at you. it was because i was angry at myself. for being sucha fool, everyone in my life just left. leaving me alone. then you did the same. but. what if you didnt tell me then what if we never spoke or never sorted things out. what if-"
"hush. dont think about what if. think about what did. i told you and you forgave me. and we are right here. right now. together. nothign else matters."

he hugged me tight and didnt let go, i put my arms around his neck and drifted off to sleep.


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The flirtation projectOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora