Part 2 - Chapter 25 - FINAL CHAPTER!!!

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RECAP: Q was in an accident at work because he wasnt getting eenough sleep. he was in a coma for a month and when he awoke he didnt remember anything, or so it appeared. and p.s. this chapter will be short. and im sorry. but ive been busy.

"what do you mean who am i?"
"uh, i mean. i dont know who you ar. buut you seem to know me. are you a stalker?"
"what?! no!"
"so, you dont remember anything. and you say this now!"
"huh? i didnt forget anything."
"Q, you dont know who we are or anything. you have amnesia."
"what? no i dont!"
"your in denial."
"no im not! i remember everything! i live here with carlos, trent and alice. i used to go to USC with them but i quit because, i was failing i think. so i got a job as a builder."
"are you sur you dont remember me?"
"pretty dam sure. well, who are you?"
"im your fiance for fuck sakes!"
"WHAT?! i have a fiance?"
"no, your playing with me. i have never even had a girl friend! haha good one. so who are you? an actor or something?" i started to cry. "whats wrong?"
"i cant belive you dont know me. we met in 9th grade. we have been dating ever since. we got engaged a few weeks before your accident. my brother, he hated you because, well, hes overprotective. and. well. im pregnant. and then you were in the accident. and i was so sad. i just. i cant belive, i love you Q. dont forget that." i got up and left. i went to the lounge and sat down. my shirt was wet with tears.

Q came in a few minutes later. he just sat down, no words spoken. i went out to my car and drove down town. what o i do. i have nothing to do, i cant belive whats happening. it would be better if he was still in a coma. no. it wouldnt, because i wouldnt be here. and when he woke he really wouldnt remember me. or even met me. what do i do? i need a plan.

ive got it.


5 months later

i walked out of the hospital carrying my newly born child, elspeth. my daughter. 

i drove back to the apartment and showed alice. she loved her aswell. now. time to set my plan into action. 

i put all the stuff i had bought in my bedroom and left elspeth with alice. then i drove to the harbour. i sat there for a good 3 hours. Q got off work 10 minutes ago, tiime to do what i came here for.

i chained weights to my feet with a pad lock and threw the key in the water. i stood up. i stood on the railings. i turned so my back was facing the water. then i closed my eyes. and held my hands to my ears. i waited for a couple of minutes. before falling back, opening my eyes and moving my hands. but what i saw was wrong.

i saw Q standing there. he was laning over the railings. it all went in slow motion. he yelled something.

"......i remember....."

my fucking god. he remembered. no. not now. fuck.

i went plummeting into the water and i started sinking, i rapidly kicked my legs and struggled with my arms, but i just kept falling. my eyes stung from the salt water and my chest hurt. all of a sudden the air from my lungs went out through my lips and felw up in bubbles. my vision faded and my limbs couldnt move. i blacked out.


Quentins P.O.V.

"NOOOO! JENNY!" i jumped into the water and swan down, she was just out of reach. and my body wouldnt go deeper without going limp. i returned to the suface of the water and went onto the dock. there was still two weights left. i tied them to my ankles and was about to jump in. but then i remembered what i saw in the room. there was a letter. and it read 'do it. do it for her.' crap i untied the weigghts and wiped away my tears. i got back in my car and drove home. 

i went into the room and hugged elspeth. she was the only one i had left. i had to make sure she was happy.


well fuck. :( not all things end happy you know. ok guys. so i think im shit at writing so i will be re-writing this tory better! it will be called 'The flirtation project ~ re-written' and the first part will be up in the next week. so if you want better quality writing then read it when you get the chance, remember vote or comment!


[alright. im sorry. i was bust and definitely didnt get it done in a week. this story is probably removed from your library now but anyway. the link for this story re written is here.

hope you enjoy!]

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