Part 2 - Chapter 1

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"ughhh" i groaned as the sunlight went straight into my eyes.i checked the clock and it was 6:51 still nine more minutes of sleep. i looked over my shoulder and Q was still fast asleep, his arms clasped tight around me.  i pulled the cover back up and tried to sleep, but carlos was in the kitchen making to much noise. ugh.  i am the opposite of a morning person, i wish i had my classes at 8pm instead of 8am.

i slipped out of Q's grip and walked ok i was pretty much dragging myself  to the lounge and plonked onto it. carlos was at the bar making pancakes. i reached oer for the remote and turned on the tv, today tonight was on. ussually every other day i wouldnt pay attemtion to the news but today the reporter was saying something about the university we went to.

"For the first time in three years university of the sunshine coast has been granted the chance to participate in the worldwide mathematics tournement taking place next weekend in italy. three students will be selcted to participate and go to italy for a week."

wow. how cool would it be to go to that. none of my friends majored in maths so i doubted any of us would be going, but it was an interesting idea. the winning university gets 2 million dollars. imagine that. 

just as i was about to get up alice walked into the room looking terrible, she had been up all night studying for an exaqm next week. poor girl. i didnt dare go near her, she was also not a morning person but she was an extra grumpy morning person. she walked straight to the cupboard and got out the coffee, carlos started the keetle to help her, but he made a mistake, she turned on her heels and narrowed her eyes at him. her hair was in a bun and she was still wearing her pajamas, another way to say she was in a 'stay the fuck away or your dead' kind of mood.

i went back to my room to get changed into a t-shirt and some jeans. Q was asleep when i walked in. i took of my pajama shirt and grbbed my pikachu t-shirt and put it on.i then took of my pajama pants and went to grab a pair of jeans.

"Dayum girl."

i spun on my heels and Q was sitting on the bed leaning agaisnt the wall with his arms folded.

"oh bite me"

i put on a pair of jeans and walked out of the room. i went back to kitchen/lounge room and made two cups of coffe, one for me and one for Q if he ever got up. i sat at the bar and started drinking when i looked at the time on my phone. shit. it was already 7:45.

"crap, bye guys ive gotta go or ill be late for class, anyone need a lift?"
"yeah i do." it was alice, surprisingly she was alredy dressed and ready, i thought she would still be a drone.

we got in my car and started driving.

"you still human? earlier you looked like the walking dead."
"yeah im fine"
"actually no, i made the mistake of going to sleep after carlos, he snores like a bitch."
"haha nice."

when we arrived she headed towards the design building, she probably had art. i went in the opposite direction to the science building, i had a chemistry class with mr O'neil. that guys pisses me off so much, he has a monotone voice even when hes making jokes or being sarcastic. not fun.


hey guys, what do you think will happen next? share your thoughts!

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