Chapter 2: Secret Spot

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"Why'd you send Toni?" I ask Kenzie when she finally arrives at my room. She laughs. "Send him? He practically begged me" I furrow my brows and slump onto my bed. "Begged?"

She nods. "Anyways, are you okay? We got really worried after you exploded at the wicked witch of the west and stomped to your room" She says. Worry coats her features. I sigh and fiddle with my thumbs.

"Yeah. It's nothing new so I'm not worried" I mutter. Riley would know what to do. She always did. No matter the situation, my sister always knew how to handle it. It was one of the thousands of things I envied about her. Along with her sassy attitude, which I got mine from, her beautiful long brown waves, my hair is blonde because we aren't identical twins, and her gorgeous blue eyes. Mine are boring hazel.

Her looks isn't all of it. She always came up with amazing ideas and new games to play when we were kids. She wrote fantastic stories and read so much. She was the best student in school. Grade wise. She wasn't necessarily a good kid all the time. She absolutely loved pulling pranks on people she disliked or that messed with me. Teachers included.

God I miss her like crazy.

Suddenly fingers snapped in my face. "Christie! Are you even listening to me?" She asks impatiently. I blink back into focus and give her a sheepish look. "No...sorry. I was thinking" I say. She looks at me sadly and hugs me. "We miss her too CC" She whispers. Fresh tears run down my face at the mention of Ri.

I pull away hastily and wipe my tears. "I'm going to bed early. Tell everyone I said goodnight" I say and crawl into bed. My friend looks hesitant but does as told anyway. "Night Christina" She mutters before shutting the door.

I sit up and get out of bed. Quietly, I creep over to my closet and pull out my white bikini. I throw it on and grab a small backpack, throwing my phone, goggles and wallet inside and an extra pair of clothes. I put a white summer dress over the suit and pick up the bag.

I don't care how late it is.

I'm swimming in the lake.

Kenzie's POV

"How is she?" Mom asks. I sit beside my brother on the couch and shrug. "Fairly well considering" I reply. My brother mumbles something under his breath but I don't catch it. Dad sighs and stands up. "I'm off to bed. You three probably won't see us in the morning so have fun" He says sleepily. Mom stands as well. "Me too. Night kids" She kisses us both on the forehead before following dad out.

I turn to the pain in the ass next to me. "What did you mumble?" I ask curiously. He raises his eyebrows at me. "Huh?" I roll my eyes and flick his head. "After I said Chris was okay, you mumbled something. What was it?" His cheeks flush and he abruptly stands. "Nothing. I'm kinda tired. Night sis" He flees the room in a hurry, leaving me smirking.


He definitely likes Chris....

I think....

I actually don't know but hey, a girl can hope. Christina would be a fucking awesome sister in law. Riley would've too....

Christina's POV

I decided that climbing the tree was probably the best idea but at the same time the most dangerous. Unlike at my house, our rooms were on the third floor here. It was much higher to jump off of and probably more dangerous.

So, hoping I was quiet, I opened my bedroom door and snuck out. I wanted to curse when it creaked. Freezing in place, I waited for someone to catch me. When no one came out, I proceeded downstairs and out the door.

It wasn't very chilly even though it was night and I thank heavens it's summer. The lake is usually warmish in summer so fingers crossed.

My plan is to dive under and see if I can find the shi- car wreck. It's most likely way to deep but I can try. Besides, if I can't find it, I can always just swim into the cave I found a year back. It's become my secret place. Home away from hell. Besides Kenzie's house of course. But the cave is sorta my....connection to my sister I guess. She died in this lake, though no body was every found, and I guess it makes me feel like I'm with her somehow.

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