Chapter 5: First Day

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Beep! Beep! Beep!

I shove my alarm clock onto the floor and slowly open my eyes. I hate mornings. Then again, who doesn't? Especially knowing you have to go to school.

I pull myself out of bed and shuffle over to my closet. I grab a simple pair of black ripped jeans and a white crop top with black leather jacket. After pulling on my black sneakers, I grab my back and shove random shit inside.

My binders, books, summer work, wallet, phone and an extra pair of clothes for just in case. I don't trust people at school so I usually bring extra clothes.

Antonio's POV

"KENZIE WAKE YOUR FAT ASS UP!" I scream in my sister's ear. She bolts awake and falls off her bed, giving me a death glare. I smirk. "Get ready lazy ass." I march out her room and go back to mine.

I grab black ripped jeans, a white shirt and black leather jacket. We all chose this outfit for our first day of school so I'm not just trying to match Chris because I like her.

Which I don't! I don't like her! Well I mean I do but only as a friend...because she's my best friend. Forever. Always will be.

I'm rambling. Anyways, we all wanted to match for the first day because....well why not? No harm can come from matching your sister and best friend. Right? Whatever.

Kenzie's POV

I'm going to kill that annoying son of a...nevermind. My mom isn't a bitch. I jump up and hurry to my closet. I need my leather jacket! Where is it? Oh! Perfect! I put on a random white top and pull my jacket on over it.

After finding my ripped jeans and black sneakers, I pull those on too and hurry downstairs. "Took long enough" My brother mumbles. I slap him upside the head and grab my bag. "Bye mom! See ya dad!" I kiss them both on the cheek and pull my brother out.

"I didn't even get to finish my pancakes!" He whines. "Get over it cry baby" Our bestie says, appearing beside us. I grin and hug her. "Ready for day number one?"

"Nope. Let's go" She says. We laugh and climb into Toni's car.

Christina's POV

Antonio starts the car and off we go to hell! Yippee. Cue my eye roll. I unlock my phone and type a message to my cousins.

Group message

Hey peeps! Omw to hell now!
C u both soon.

U don't have a car tho.
Who's driving?

Idiot. Antonio, like always.
He's Christina's boyyfrienddd!!

Ooo really?

NO! Not really!
U 2 r so childish.
Also, aren't you in the car
Together? Y r u texting
Each other?

No. We're at school.
Noah is with his FB buddies.
🙄. Btw, our lockers are
Next to each other. Kenzie's
Is next to mine on other side.

K. Ttyl

I click off my phone and turn to Kenz. "Just texted Gia. Our lockers are all beside each other" A huge grin takes over my bestie's face.

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