Chapter 18: Bullet Holes

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Toni's POV

I don't know what to do. On one hand, I love Chris and don't want to avoid her...but Courtney is psychotic. She's threatening my girl's life if I don't follow her rules. This is fucked up. I groan loudly and go back inside. Randy looks at me confused.

"Forget a coffee or something Sport?" I shake my head and quickly look around. I lean over the counter towards him. "I need your help." I whisper. He nods and ushers me out back to his private office he had made. "What's wrong?"

I pull up the messages with Courtney again and hand him the phone...right as another message comes through.

Psycho Bitch-
Oh...and don't bother going
To the cops. First, I'll have a bullet
In Christina's skull and second, my cousin is s cop. I'll manipulate him
To make sure they don't come after me.
Kisses and hugs😘😘

Randy glares at me and shoves the phone back in my hand. "You basically put my girls in danger?" He asks slowly.  I look down. Randy refers to the girls as his because he sees them as his daughters. They obviously had no real father so they look up to him.

"I didn't know Courtney was a psycho. I swear. I would never put the girls in danger. Not on purpose." I say quickly. He rolls his eyes. "Well naturally the correct option would be the cops. But that's too dangerous for you to do. I'll figure something out and explain some things to Chris. You go along with this Courtney girl." He orders me.

I nod. "Okay...thanks Randy." He sighs and rubs his temple. "I'm doing this for the girls. But your welcome anyway Antonio." I frown and nod, following him out.

I quickly pull out my phone and text Chris.

Sorry Chris. Something came
Up with parents...won't be coming back...

Oh...okay. Hope everything
Is okay. Love you❤

It's fine.

Christina's POV

"He didn't say he loves me back." I tell Riley. She shrugs. "Probably just worried about his parents or something. Don't over think it. Hey, when is Dad's trial?" I shrug. "I don't know. I'm going to text Kenzie and make sure everything is okay with Mr. And Mrs. Cooper."

She nods. "Okay. Let me know what's happening." I nod and head out of the room. I don't go far, just outside the door, and text Kenzie.

Hey Kenz. Toni said something
Came up with the parents. Lemme
Know if I can do something?

Um....wdym? I'm still in school.
I probs would've been called out if
Something happened. They're fine
And at work. Why would he lie?

I frown. What? He lied?

I...idk. Can u talk to

Sure. I'll "go to bathroom" and

Escape school. Let you know what
I find out. K?

Ya...thx Kenz.

I shut off my phone and go back into my sisters room. She's pale as hell and staring wide eyed at something on the wall. "Uh...Ri? Are you okay?" She doesn't notice me. I follow her line of sight and gasp. My phone slips from my hand. On the wall, not far from where I was sitting, is a small hole in the wall. Beside it is, a little red dot.

Picture Perfect ~Completed~Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang