Chapter 19: "You busy Friday?"

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I slowly open my eyes because of the blinding light. Kenzie is staring at me, arms crossed and a sympathetic look on her face. "What?" She clears her throat. "Nothing just....get ready." I frown. "What's going on?" She sighs and helps me up. "Don't worry about it. Noah is signing papers to get you out of here so go put normal clothes on." I take the clothes she hands me and go into the bathroom.

She chose a blue top with a denim jacket and white skinny jeans. Simple but cute. Thank God. I quickly get dressed and meet her back out. "Now, tell me." I demand. She rolls her eyes. "It's nothing. She says quickly on the way out.

I roll my eyes then frown. "I thought Noah was just going to bring me home..." I say. She shrugs. "That was the plan. But Noah is bringing you to school instead. I'll see you after." She hugs me goodbye and sends me off with my cousins. "Hey Girlie. You okay?" Gia asks.

I nod. "I guess. I'm relieved Ri will be discharged tomorrow." I say. They roll their eyes. "We mean about the panic attack and Antonio." Noah says in a 'duh' tone. I frown. "Of course. Why wouldn't I be?" They share a look and shake their heads.

"Just the fact a sniper is watching you at all times because a psycho woman wants your man." Gia says very casually as she hooks her arm with mine and pulls me to the car.

Toni is waiting for me at the entrance when we pull up. "Good luck." The twins whisper into my ear, sending me off with tight hugs. I steady my breathing and slowly make my way over to him. "Hey Toni." I greet, hugging him. He pulls away, not bothering to return my hug.

I frown. "Christina I'm sorry but....we can't be together anymore." He says in monotone. Hold up....what? I clear my throat and look up at him.

"W- what do you mean?" I stutter. He rolls his eyes and glares at me. "I don't love you anymore." Those words sting. A few tears blur my vision. "Y- you don't?" He can't mean it Chris! He's only ending things to save your life because of Courtney! Right? He shakes his head with a bored expression.

I lower my gaze to the ground. "Fine." I mumble and rush inside.

Toni's POV

God fucking damn it! The second Chris leaves, I glare at Courtney who comes out of hiding with a smug look. "Perfect. Now c'mon baby. Let's announce our undying love." She says gleefully and pulls me inside. People stop. People stare. People whisper. Courtney smirks and waves at them.

They gossip to their friends, some pointing in the direction of my former girlfriend at her locker. She avoids eye contact with everyone. I notice Noah walking towards her but when he catches me with Courtney he stomps over. "What the hell!" He hisses. Courtney looks up at him innocently.

"What's wrong Noah?" He glares at her. "None of your business dumb Bimbo. But I need to talk to Toni." He growls. Fake tears brim her eyes as she looks up at me. "You're going to let him insult me like that baby?" She pouts. Yes. "No...Noah you need to learn your place. I can have you kicked off the football team with a snap of my fingers. Never insult my....girlfriend like that again."

Noah blinks in shock at me while Courtney smirks at something- or someone- in victory. Chris. She's staring at us. Suddenly, Christina walks over to a group of guys beside us.

"Hey Cutie. You busy Friday?" She asks one of the guys. His eyes light up as he eyes her up and down, a smirk lighting his face. "Not at all Beautiful. I'll give you my number in exchange for an address and time?" She giggles. "Sure thing." I don't hear anything else because I rip my arm away from Courtney and stomp down the hall.

Christina's POV

Why did I just do that? Stupid jealously. Stupid. Fucking. Jealousy. He doesn't actually like Courtney. Right? No. He can't. Randy said in the note he was being threatened with my life. So why did I just ask out some random guy? God only fucking knows.

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