Chapter 13: Family Meeting

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"You both are such disappointments!" Dad growls. I share a look with Riley and we both sigh, leaning back into the couch and looking up at our angry parents. Mom rubs her temples and glares at me. "First telling your father something I saw no need for him to know, then punching not one but three of your fellow classmates? What will the public think? Hm? You've gone rogue. Completely and utterly rogue! We're gunna be taken as a joke!" Mom yells.

I stand up and cross my arms. "Who cares. The public shouldn't define us. It's crazy. Doing things just for popularity? Annoying. Why can't you just be happy? Why does everything revolve around what millions of strangers think. Hell, why is it even their business?" I rant. Mom and Dad share a look.

One that worries me. "See? This is why you two will never be able to run your father's business. You're naive dumbasses. Which, is why, after talking to Mr. and Mrs. Copper, we've come to an agreement. Christina, you'll marry Antonio Cooper and combine our businesses together. My business will be passed down to Kenzie Cooper." Mom says.

My jaw drops and my eyes widen. "WHAT!" I scream. Riley jumps up and grabs my arm to hold me back from pummeling my own parents. Dad glares at me. "I suggest you shut up." He growls. "Why me?" I snap. They roll their eyes. "You're the oldest." Mom answers nonchalantly. I narrow my eyes. "By three minutes!" I argue.

"Still older." They reply in unison and walk away, leaving me with Ri. I cry out in frustration and slump onto the couch. Riley sits with me and rubs my back soothingly as I cry. I love Toni, I do so it isn't as bad as it could be. But high school love never lasts. Except in stories.

My whole life is now just planned out for me. Marrying one of my childhood best friends because I'm not capable of owning a business? I wish Aunt Molly was the big boss. That way, Noah could just take over. Why did my stupid grandfather have to hand the business down to his dumbass son?

Ugh. Plus, instead of handing mom's business down to her own kids, she's deciding to hand it down to, her apparently soon-to-be daughter in law, Kenz. Riley should get the business. My sister is a serious fashionista. But no. All because we don't agree that the public defines us.

I hate my parents. Absolutely, positively, hate hate hate them. "I'll be back." I mutter. I shrug out of my sister's arms and run upstairs to my room. I grab my leather jacket, and put it on over my dress that I never took off. I pocket my phone and tie my wavy hair into a quick pony tail.

I run back downstairs and pull my combat boots on. The heels started hurting my feet. "Where are you going?" Riley asks. I laugh bitterly. "To speak to my fiance and his parents." I growl and walk out, slamming the door behind me. Riley yells after me and follows me outside. It started to rain, like full on down pour.

This weather is matching my mood. I think to myself and loudly knock on the Cooper's door. Kenzie answers. "Hey guys. You're soaked! C'mon in!" She pulls me and my shivering sister inside. "What's up? You look pissed." My bestie notices. I ignore her question. "Where's your parents and brother?" I ask instead. She furrows her brows.

"Antonio is in his room and Mom and Dad are out. What's wrong?" I shake my head. "Ask Ri." I reply and stomp upstairs. Toni looks up at me and frowns when I burst in and slam his door shut behind me. "Chris? What's wrong?" He jumps up and rushes over to me. I hit his hands away and cross my arms.

"Did you know?" I ask. He furrows his brows. "What?" I huff. "Did. You. Know?" I ask again, slowly. He rolls his eyes. "Know what Christina?" He asks impatiently. I sigh. "That our parents arranged for us to get married so the businesses can combine!" I snap. His eyes widen.

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