Chapter 16: Big Idea

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Courtney's POV

I text Toni and pull on a short black strapless dress. I'm about to apply some cherry red lipstick when he answers me. Happily, I open the message and read it.

Sorry Courtney. I have
More important things to
Do then hang out with an air

I cry out in frustration and throw my expensive phone at the wall. It lands on the floor, face down. It probably broke but oh well. Daddy will just buy me a new one. I'm his little girl.

This is all Christina's fault anyway. She wrapped Toni around her tiny little finger and took him from me. If that bitch wasn't in the picture, I'd have my baby all to myself.

Hm. Maybe, I can just take her out of the picture myself. That way, Toni would be mine and mine only.

Christina's POV

I walk back to the waiting room to let Ri rest. Antonio looks at me and runs over. "Chris! Can we talk?" He asks. I roll my eyes. "You can talk. I'll ignore you though." I reply.

He follows me as I walk over to Gia. "Hey G, I need a ride home. I'm going to take a shower and grab some extra clothes." She nods. "Alright. Let me just tell Noah I'm taking the car." She hands me the keys and walks off. "Can you wait up? Will you be at school tomorrow?" Antonio asks.

I don't spare him a single glance when I start my cousins car and get in the passenger seat. "No. I won't be, so you can kiss your fans without me seeing." I answer and slam the car door shut. I lock it so he can't get in. I hear him groan in frustration. "Chris!" He yells, banging on the window.

I turn the car radio on, loudly, as I wait for Gia. "Go away Toni." I hear Gia tell him. I unlock the car door for her to get in, and lock it when she is. "He's getting annoying...but I miss all of us hanging out." She says, pulling out. I nod in agreement. "Me too...but it's his fault in the first place." I point out.

She nods. I hop out and run inside when we get home. Gia follows me. "I'm going to stay the night at the hospital. Can I borrow your clothes and take a shower?" She asks. I nod. "Of course. You don't need to ask." I say. She smiles thankfully and follows me to my room.

She grabs some random jeans and a top and goes to Riley's shower. I pick up a small backpack and shove a red sweater and white shorts inside. I then grab a grey hoodie, lavender off the shoulder top and black jeans to wear after my shower. That being said, I grab a towel and get in.

Gia is relaxing on my bed when I get out. "Where is Aunt Natalie?" She asks. I roll my eyes and comb through my waves. "Some trip. Something about a runway show for her new line I think. I stop paying attention after she says one word." I reply. Gia chuckles. "Makes sense. I do the same when my mom talks about business trips with Uncle Tyler." She admits.

I nod. "She's taking over the business until I marry Antonio, right?" I ask. She nods. "Correct. She isn't very happy about you and Toni running the business instead of her." I shrug. "Not my problem. Or fault." I reply, throwing my hair into a pony tail and grabbing my bag.

She follows me out, hopping into the driver seat and driving off. I turn the radio on, listening to the sound of country music filling the air. "Hey girls. Toni and I are heading out. My parents are here to watch over you two, Noah and Ri. We'll stop by tomorrow after school." Kenzie says when we get back to the hospital.

We nod. "Okay. See you!" I reply, hugging her and ignoring Antonio. I wait for Gia to say goodbye before going back to the waiting room.

Toni's POV

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