Chapter 3: "You're too close"

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I munch on the cinnamon covered toast Kenzie made. We're sitting at our makeshift table we made in 5th grade. It's literally a slab of wood held by more wood. Technically that's exactly what I table is but it literally looks like kids made it...which they did but that's besides the point.

I'm drinking milk we brought and stored in the cooler. I get no one cares though so I'll move on with the story....

"So, 6:00 PM. That's when you wanna start the fire. Right?" Toni asks. We nod. "Just like every year Antonio Elmo Cooper" I tease. He cringes at the use of his middle name. Kenzie and I teased him about it non-stop all throughout our elementary and middle school lives. From asking how to find our way to sesame street and asking how big bird and cookie monster were doing.

He always got so pissed but his reaction was the best.

Kenzie laughs and high fives me as Toni mumbles under his breath. "Bertha isn't much better" He taunts Kenz. She growls and lunges at him. I quickly step back and watch the two fight. Finally, after remembering we were a few feet in the air on wooden planks, I split it up.

"What should we do now?" I ask. It's about 7 am now so we have the whole day to chill. "How about hide and seek?" My friend suggests. I look at Toni who shrugs so I nod. "Okay. But you're the seeker first" She rolls her eyes and sighs
"Fine. 60 seconds" Antonio and I jump into action, climbing down the ladder and finding somewhere to hide.

I spot a little cave like thing not to far from the tree house and run towards it. It's small. Like, very small. I just barely fit with a little space left. Thank God I'm tiny. Suddenly, Toni appears and pushed his way in. "Hey!" I protest. I pause when I realize how close we are.

There is about an inch of space between us and his warm breath fans my face. "There's enough space" He says smirking. I blush deeply. "You're too close" I whisper back. He doesn't reply because just then Kenzie's voice rings out. Echoing through the woods.

"Ready or not! Here I come!"

Toni pulls me closer to him and turns us so I'm against the wall and his black jacket kind of shields us. My breath hitches in my throat. "What on Earth ar-"

"Shh!" He hisses. I frown at him. He sighs. "It's a dark cave dummy. The black leather jacket kind of makes us blend in" He whispers in my ear. I shudder, which doesn't go unnoticed as Antonio smirks.

"It's 80 degrees out Christina. I know you're not cold" He teases quietly. I roll my eyes. "Then why are you wearing a jacket?" I raise an eyebrow but he just shrugs.

"Found ya" A mischievous voice announces. I blush and push Toni away. "Great. Good. Fantastic. I'm gunna go for a walk. You two can keep playing though. Bye!" I say quickly and run off into the woods.

I stop by a stream. I have absolutely no idea where I headed and how far I ran. What I do know though, is I'm out of breath and seriously hope this stream is clean. I cannonball into the stream, fully clothed but oh well. I push myself up to the surface and just float on my back.

After a couple moments, I stand up and cup my hands, gathering some water before pouring whatever didn't drip out into my mouth. I sigh and pull myself out of the stream. "So....where am I?" I ask myself as I look around at my surroundings.

Great. I think. Talking to myself while I'm lost in the woods. I'm going crazy.

I sigh and start walking back the way I think I came. Trees, trees and more trees. Why are there so many damn trees? God.

I'm probably walking for a good 20 minutes when I finally hear my name being shouted. I glance at my watch. It's approximately 8:40 am. I sigh in relief and run over to where my name is being constantly yelled.

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