Chapter 17: Courtney's Revenge

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So, Riley is forcing me to go to school today. I wanted to stay but she wouldn't let me. We also told the whole crew about yesterday. Everyone was so excited and Riley already started planning our wedding. She's a weird one.

I spin my ring around my finger, anxiously staring at the school. "You're fine. The only person who technically should be worried is Ri because of Nathan and Bethany, but she isn't here." Gia says, casually getting out.

I sigh. "Yeah, but now I'm engaged at freaking seventeen." I say quietly. She and Noah roll their eyes. "You would've been anyways. Now c'mon!" Noah pulls me out of the car and drags my protesting body inside. Gia walks behind us, typing away on her phone, as if this is normal.

"Hey guys!" Toni exclaims, pulling me into a tight hug. I giggle and hug him back. "Hey baby." He murmurs in my ear. I smile. "Hey." I mutter. "Okay okay love birds, break it up." Kenz teases. I laugh and pull away.

Noah wraps an arm around Kenzie, quickly pecking her lips. Gia dramatically sighs. "Hashtag single forever." She jokes. We all laugh. I spot the Three Musketeers walking towards us. "Oh hey fellas. You look amazing with those black eyes and bandages. Is that the new look?" I say sweetly. Courtney scowls at me.

"Shut up." She sneers. "Oh...great comeback. It was the best I've ever heard." Noah says sarcastically. Bethany struts over to him and frowns. "Kenzie Cooper is like one of the worst like girls you could like choose." She states in disgust.

Noah's grip on my friend tightens, and he scowls at her. "At least she isn't a bitchy, makeup caked face air head." He retorts. She scoffs and steps back. I notice Nathan eyeing my hand, frowning. "Is that an engagement ring?" He asks.

I freeze. Courtney follows his gaze and her jaw drops. "It is as a matter of fact." Toni says calmly. Courtney closes her mouth and frowns. "You could do better Baby." She says and struts off with her new minions.

I roll my eyes and open my locker. "I'll see you guys later." I mumble. Gia follows me, silently, to maths.


By the time lunch rolls around, I'm the topic of all gossip. I heard my name fifty times in one class. That's excluding the hallway gossip and my other classes this morning. I'm nervous to even enter the lunch room honestly. Some people give me looks of envy, others of disgust.

It varies. Some are just looks of pure innocent confusion. "What're you thinking about?" I jump and clutch a hand to my heart, which is on my right by the way. "Toni! You scared the crap out of me." I say breathlessly. He laughs and pulls me to his chest, kissing my forehead.

"Sorry Baby girl." He apologizes. I smile tightly and shut my locker. "You alright?" He asks. I nod, spotting the girls. "Just peachy. I'll meet you. I need to talk to the girls." I say quickly. His grip on my doesn't loosen. "I can just co-"

"No! It's fine. Girl talk. Sorry bud, you have boy parts. Love you!" I peck his lips and squirm out of his grip. I throw him a little wave and take off. "Woah Girlie. What happened to you?" Gia says, chuckling. I catch my breath and pull them down the hall. I find an empty classroom and drag them in.

"I'm into guys!"

"And I'm dating Noah!" They exclaim. I give them 'What the fuck' looks and shake my head. "It's about Toni." I confess. They look at me, confused. I sigh. "Ever since the proposal, he's been acting...different. Not the fun, cocky, protective, cute guy I grew up with exactly. I mean, he's Toni so naturally he's a bit cocky but he's way more protective now." I admit.

"What do you mean?" Gia asks.

"He glares at guys who just look at me and even threatened some of them. And he's calling me Baby and Baby Girl." I say quickly, with a small frown. "It's not cute anymore. It's just annoying. He's gone from adorably protective to freakily possessive." I tell them. They share a look and sigh.

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