Chapter 11: Neon Green

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So, it's been two weeks since Riley has been back. Which also means the dance is now in two days instead of two weeks. So, it's a typical Wednesday night and I'm lying on my bed contemplating my life choices. I'm also thinking about Toni.

What are we? Is one of my questions. It's been two weeks since we declared our feelings but he hasn't exactly asked me out. Plus, I caught him making out with Courtney. Yeah, that hurt like a bitch.

Courtney is the least of my problems though. Ever since I told my darling father that Mom was cheating on him, Mom has been more bitchy and hates me even more the before. She and Dad also fight almost every day and never agree on anything. Which, is sort of funny to watch to be completely honest.

Riley has had Nathan and Bethany over a lot so I'm either at Kenzie's or Gia's, or I'm locked in my room. I also haven't talked to Antonio really at all since our confessions.

Knock knock

I pull myself out of my thoughts and to my bedroom door. When I open it, Bethany is standing there looking both bored and annoyed. "Yeah?" I ask dryly. She looks me up and down and scoffs. "RiRi like wanted me to like ask if you wanted like pizza or like anything. So uh like do you?" She asks. I suppress a smirk.

"No like um thanks. I don't like really like want any like pizza." I mock. She doesn't seem to notice as she spins around and struts back to my sister's room. I roll my eyes and shut and lock my bedroom door. I then hop onto my bed and grab my phone.

Group message

Hey fellas. I know it's
Past 7 at night but anyone
Wanna hang out?

Sure. Mom has been
Complaining all night about
Aunt Natalie and it's getting
Annoying. Meet at Starbucks?

She rlly is. I'm in! We'll see u
There Chris!!

Fine by me. My parents are out
On date night so it's just me and
Toni anyway. Ri coming?

No she isn't. Bethany
And Nathan are over.

They're annoying, I feel bad
Haha. Sure, I'm in. C u all at
Starbucks :)

I grin and shut off my phone. Without bothering to change or anything, I grab my phone and wallet and put on my combat boots. I pass my arguing parents on my way out and ignore them completely. Crap.

I go to text Toni I need to ride with him but he's already at the end of my driveway. "Get in loser we're going shopping!" He and Kenz yell. I laugh and run over and get in his car. "You really need to get a car Christina. Driving you around is tiring." He says teasingly. I stick my tongue out at him like the mature person I am. They both laugh.

"Oh right! Have you bought a dress yet?" Kenzie asks. Antonio glances at me quickly as if to ask the same. I shrug. "No. I don't really have any reason to. My mother has made me so many formal dresses hoping I'd wear them on a daily basis. I've worn not even half, I'm sure I can find something to wear." I reply.

Her face light up. "Could I borrow one?" I laugh and nod. "Of course." She grins widely and sits back down in her seat. The twins are already there when we pull up to Starbucks. I notice them chatting up Randy at the front. Better go save him. Kenzie, Antonio and I head inside and meet at the twins at the register.

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