Chapter 6: Aunt Molly and Being Late

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"Did you text Uncle Tyler that you're hanging at ours?" Gia asks. I shake my head. "Of course not. I'm helping my beloved cousin with an essay. It shouldn't be a problem. Less time I talk to my father the better!" I reply.

She sighs. "Your funeral." She says nonchalantly. I scowl at her. "I'm not my sister! They won't kill me!" I say angrily and stalk off. Gia yells after me but I ignore her.

Gia's POV

Shit! Shit! Shit! That was terrible word choice. I'm an idiot. My cousin is seriously sensitive about murder and whatnot. I really need a filter on my mouth.

"Christina! Christie! C'mon Chris I'm sorry!" I yell. She ignores me. I groan in frustration. "What'd you do?" Noah asks. I sigh. "Mentioned her dad killing her." I mumble. He rolls his eyes and flicks my forehead. I frown and rub the spot. "Ow." I whine.

He rolls his eyes again. "You, my dear sister, are an idiot." He says sweetly and walks off towards his car where my cousin is furiously typing on her phone in the passenger seat.

Christina's POV

"Hey C." Noah greets and slides into his car. I glance over at him then back to my phone. "Hey." I mutter. He sighs. "Gia didn't mean what she said ya know..." He tells me. I frown. "I know that. But she still said it. She needs a damn filter!" I answer back in frustration.

The back car door suddenly opens and my other cousin slides in. I ignore her presence and go back to texting Kenzie.

We pull up to Aunt Molly's house and I chew on my bottom lip in nervousness. She's no better then my father. Must run in the blood honestly. Then again, she has a reason to be snarky. She's raising two kids alone but she runs dad's business with him so she's rich.

She's also what the public would call "picture perfect". Not like Kenzie's family though. She's like my parents. Fake. Rude. Evil. That kinda stuff.

"Every one ready?" Gia asks. I don't respond, instead I just step out and haul my bag over my shoulder. They follow suit and together we walk up the stone path, lined with flowers, leading up to the door. I follow them inside and take a quick look around.

"Mom! We're home!" Noah yells. Aunt Molly comes running in with a permanent scowl etched on her face. "What are you wearing? And what is your cousin doing here? Your uncle said she's been an ungrateful brat lately and I'm not surprised!" She screeches.

I frown and stare at the floor. "She's helping Noah with an essay for school." Gia jumps in. Aunt Molly scowls at me once more before turning to her son. "Fine. But that essay better be nothing less of perfect. Am I clear?" We nod quickly and scurry out.

I follow Noah to his room and Gia separates into hers. "Okay, let's get started. We have to use sensory imagery, whatever the hell that is." Noah says, settling in his desk chair.

I hop onto his bed and take off my bag. "Sensory imagery is basically using your five senses to explain something, I guess. The assignment is to pick a place or activity you've been to or done. Then you have to explain the experience. Right?" I ask. He nods slowly.

"Perfect. So let's say you chose football. Make a chart about what you see, hear, smell, taste and feel. K?" He nods again and takes out a piece of paper and pencil.

I unzip my bag and pull out my math binder and a pencil. "What would I taste on a football field?" Noah asks confused. I roll my eyes. "Does it look like I do football?" I pause then my eyes widen. "SHIT!" I yell and shove everything in my bag. Noah stares at me confused.

"What?" He asks. I grab his arm and pull him out. "We forgot football and cheer!" His eyes widen and he's running with me outside. Gia is already outside with the car started.

"I was just about to come get you. I called coach and he said it's fine but not to let it happen again." She says. We nod and get in the car.

We get to the school in record time and hurry to the field. "Ahh good. The Wayford siblings. And, you're Christina right?" I nod. He shoes my cousins away and walks closer to me. "Gia told me you wanna try out?" I nod. "Yes sir."

He hums and glances to where the cheerleaders are warming up. "Don't be late again. Am I clear? Go tryout!" I nod and run over. "You're to late for tryouts. Sorry. Maybe next time." Courtney fakes a pout and turns to the team. I roll my eyes.

"Actually, Coach told me to tryout." She frowns at me and sighs. "Fine. Whatever." She motions for me to do something. I clear my throat and tie my hair into a pony tail. "I'm gunna do-"

"I don't really care. It'll be shit anyway so just do something." She says in frustration. I give her the finger and start preforming a routine my sister taught me. When I finish, they're all staring at me in shock.

Suddenly, my cousin and friend start clapping, followed by the rest of the cheer squad. All except Courtney who I'm pretty sure has smoke coming out her ears.

"Fine, fine! You're on the team. But don't be late again or I won't hesitate to throw you off. Am I clear?"

"Crystal." I growl. We stare at each other a few moments longer until one of Courtney's minions snaps her fingers in front of her face.

It's about 5 o'clock when practice ends and I decide to just go home. Noah understands the assignment now but I can just go over tomorrow if he needs help.

"You all set?" Toni asks. I nod and link arms with Kenzie. "Yep." We bid goodbyes to everyone and go to Antonio's car.

I turn my phone on and gasp. 100 missed calls from mom and 150 from dad. I'm fucking doomed. "Text them. Calling is dangerous." Kenzie says. I chuckle and pocket my phone. "I'll just explain when I get home. No biggie."

I chew on my bottom lip. No biggie my ass.


"La Wayford! Where have you been? Bla bla bla ungrateful. Bla bla bla ruin your life. I get it! Can I explain?" I cut them off. Mom and Dad narrow their eyes at me and cross their arms.

"Make it snappy!" Mother orders. I nod hastily and attempt a smile. "Noah needed help with an essay so I spent some time there but, I also, actually uh joined cheerleading." I announce. Mom hums in approval and drops her arms.

"We expect you to inform us next time you go MIA. Anyways, we have a conference tomorrow." Dad says. I furrow my brows. "Tomorrow? What about sch-"

"We already talked to your school. Now, go pick out an appropriate outfit that I designed. And go to bed!" I nod and rush out. That was easier then I expected. I mean, I left with no bruises.

Heard 'bout the conference.
T.v knows everything haha.
Good luck tmw♡

Ya thx.

I turn my phone off and plop onto my bed. I already know what I'm wearing tomorrow so I'm not worried about it.


I groan loudly and glance at my phone. It's Gia, informing me that her, Noah and Aunt Molly are joining us for the conference. Another message from Antonio says good luck.

I ignore them and roll over in my bed, snuggling up in my blankets and falling asleep.


Hola amiga/o. Again, sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes.

I have a big surprise for you next chapter so I hope you're ready;)

Peace out♡

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