Prologue: The Killing Spree Begins.

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August 13st 1998.

It all began at Camp Crystal Lake. The two counselors working there, placed the scouts to bed, when little did they know that they were being watched by a person by an ominous figure with a knife in his, or her hand.

As the figure got close to the camp grounds, the two counselors met up with each other near the campfire. "This was quite the summer, eh Amanda?" the male counselor asked. "I don't know Luke," Amanda answered. "I still wish that one kid would've came to camp. If only the other kids wouldn't have made fun of him and drowned him." "Amanda, it was just last summer," Luke explained.

"I know, but it could happen again," Amanda said. "I just still can't get my mind off of it." "I think I know how," Luke said, and kissed Amanda. Amanda showed no resistance, and kissed Luke back. After the kiss ended, the two counselors stood next to each other. "Want to finish up inside?" Amanda asked. "Sure," Luke answered.

The figure then followed the two counselors as they headed back to their cabin. But before the figure could get inside the cabin, he, or she grabbed a bucket, and filled it full of water from the lake to put out the fire so no one would see what it was going to do, then followed the counselors into their cabin, where they were changing out of their uniforms to have sex. Luke was laying on the bed naked, and getting out condoms, while Amanda was getting undressed.

"I can't believe we're doing this now," Luke thought. "I've been waiting all summer for this, and all it took to cheer her up, was forgetting about that Jason kid. I'm sure he's still alive, but I mean Crystal Lake is not that deep for someone to drown in." Suddenly, the figure creeked open the door, catching Luke's attention. "Uh Boss," Luke panicked, and covered himself. "This Isn't What It Looks Like." The figure revealed itself to Luke, showing that it wasn't his boss. "Wait," Luke said. "You're-" The figure then raised it's knife, and came closer to the counselor. "Wait, put that down," Luke said. "STOP. DON'T-"

The figure ignored, and stabbed the counselor, who's screams, and dying breath caught Amanda's attention who was now in her underwear. "Luke, what's wrong?" Amanda asked. "I heard screaming, and-" Finally Amanda came out, and saw that Luke was stabbed in both the chest, and forehead, causing her to scream. Finally the figure revealed itself to Amanda, and did the same thing to her. Finally the figure took the corpses, and dragged them out to the lake, where they sank. No one found the counselors bodies, or discovered who killed them, but it was only the beginning of the nightmare on Friday The 13th.


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