Chapter 09: Rained In.

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After turning the canoe over, and placing the oars under the canoe, the teens headed into their cabins before the clouds could start shooting rain drops at them. They arrived just as they were about to get showered in rain.

"Jeez that was close," Justin said. "Yeah, good thing we escaped just before we got showered in rain," Allison agreed. "So what do we do while we're stuck inside?" "We should probably start doing that heroin you brought," Justin explained. "I don't know," Allison said. "It feels a little early to do stuff like that, and we still have 4 hours to kill before dinner starts." Suddenly, someone knocked at the cabin door, allowing Justin to answer it.

Allison changed back to her regular clothes, while her boyfriend answered the door. Harry was on the other side of the door, sinking in rain. "Can I come in?" Harry asked. "Sure, we were just figuring out what to do when the rain passes," Justin answered. "So where's Will?" "He went to go put up the roof shields so the ceiling doesn't leak."

Meanwhile, near the van, Will got the roof shields out of the van, but behind him was the shadowy figure with the machete, and ax in his hands. After putting the ax behind his back, the shadowy figure got closer to Will while still holding the machete. Will however got the roof shields, but after seeing the shadowy figure, he rolled them to the cabins, and tried to make a run for it. The shadowy figure was on Will's tail, and when he accidentally tripped, the figure killed him, then dragged his body to the lake.

Back at the cabin, Allison was dressed back in her original clothing, but kept her bikini on under her orange t-shirt, and blue jean shorts. "You know, Tasha brought some cocaine, and vodka, along with some extra crystal meth," Justin said. "She brought crystal meth, too?" Allison asked. "What the hell? Am I the only one who didn't pack much of what we need?" "We can still use some beer, and heroin, babe," Justin answered. "We'll probably just have that first, and then move on to what Tasha brought." Another knock disturbed the three as they kept talking. "I'll get it," Harry said, and answered the door revealing that Tasha, and Ron were behind the door covered in rain ponchos.

"We found this near Harry, and Will's cabin," Tasha said. "Yeah, we figured that it might belong to Harry or something, but you weren't at your cabin," Ron explained. "Wait, Will was just on his way to get the roof shields," Harry said. "Oh that son of a bitch. He must have said that to make an excuse and eat all the food. We better go and stop him." "Might as well go with you," Justin said. "You're not the only one who's hungry after hours." "How about we all go," Allison said. "Yeah, we brought extra poncho's for the seven of us, however Leanne still isn't here," Tasha explained. "We'll save it for her," Ron explained. "Come on."


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