Chapter 02: A Short Truck Ride.

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Allison followed Joe the diner chef out of the diner, to the parking lot, and where his truck was. After getting in the truck, Allison placed her backpack at the back of the truck, and placed her seatbelt on after getting in.

Once Joe started the truck, he drove out of the parking lot, and on the path towards Camp Crystal Lake. "So, what are you going to Camp Crystal Lake for?" Joe asked. "Well, now that it's summer, my friends and I thought it would be a great place to spend time, and party until we become seniors," Allison answered. "Well, at least you got to be occupied," Joe said. "What's your name, by the way?"

"Allison Snipes," Allison explained. "Snipes, huh?" Joe asked. "You must be related to the town's sheriff." "I am, he's my Dad," Allison explained. "He probably hasn't told you about me." "Actually he brags about you every time he's in my diner," Joe said. "Just nice to finely meet you. Say, who else do you think will be at the camp you're going to?"

"Probably my friends from the school I go to," Allison explained. "We've been together since 6th grade, and we've been spending so much time every summer." "Well I sure hope you enjoy yourself," Joe said. "Not a lot of adults come to Camp Crystal Lake, which basically is what got old man Ralph all spooked. I swear even at 72 years old, things at that camp always makes him sh*t his ass when he goes over there." "Maybe he's scared of dying," Allison said.

Joe eyebrowed the girl. "What, it's about time he did," Allison said. "After him saying that no one comes back from Camp Crystal Lake having a suicide curse." "Ralph, him and his stupid rumors," Joe explained. "Did he tell you about the teen couple that died in 1998, or the ten year old boy that drowned the year before that? Don't bother listening to Ralph. He's old and psychotic when he talks about that camp." "What's this about a ten year old boy drowning?" Allison asked. "Ralph says his name was Jason Voorhees," Joe answered. "And he also said he drowned just a year before a group of counselors were killed."

"Why do you think he would see a kid drowning in lake water?" Allison asked. "The lake isn't even that deep." "Let's just say Ralph was been drinking too much whiskey during his fishing trips," Joe answered. "Just follow my advice, never trust rumors even if they're true." Joe stopped the truck just as he passed the Camp Crystal Lake sign. "Well this is where you get out miss," Joe said. "Be sure to say hi to your old man the next time you see him, and enjoy having fun with your friends." Allison got out, taking her backpack along with her.


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